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Piece of shit game?

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--- Quote from: Vandal on March 06, 2012, 09:47:32 pm ---I totally agree. I would just add this:
6) F*cking troll builds with silent death and plasma nades should be f*cking removed. Seriously? Bluesuit with 2 plasma nades (400 caps) can easy kill fully geared guy with CA,drugs,avenger etc. (10,000+ caps) WHAT DA F*CK?!

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actually its not that bad, good protection againt that is tesla armor and 400 is hard to find, so if u have 2 nades, u maybe kill somebody, but what then, trying to find other 2 nades, very hard, if u wanna u have to kill merceries near sf with 230+ hp, also thay will trow nades on u, its not that simple, otherwise if u plan to craft them, u first have to take demolish expert 2 its 4500 caps, and u have to go to bh VERY DANGEROUS PLACE, to take profesion, thay u'll need bp for nades,(that is already 3 alt to make, one sneaker trower, one crafter, and one lockpicker)then u have to mine uranium ,also only in bh, then to refine uranium ,also in bh, then go to advanced workbech, very, very hard job, bla,bla,bla..
people just crying when got killed, instand of thinking how to make better build, try maybe good sniper against those sneakers, if u r good pe u will see them, or try some  tank builds or stop play, but dont cry..

 ::) nades are easy to get like you said killl sf mercs. take a dual bger (which all have) and pwn all sf mercs not hard and gets alot of nades.


--- Quote from: falloutdude on March 06, 2012, 11:54:48 pm --- ::) nades are easy to get like you said killl sf mercs. take a dual bger (which all have) and pwn all sf mercs not hard and gets alot of nades.

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Or you can craft 400-800 and use them for weeks... and I have no dual bger.


Prometheus Pithras:
Ill quote myself

--- Quote from: Prometheus Pithras on February 06, 2012, 08:27:33 am ---http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQkLBqc78aw

About the title post..what can i say...all social groups eventually get corrupted for theyr members actions and/or theyr leader`s secret ambitions/desitions, regardless if they are "good" or "evil". People need to think more and stop narrowing themselves with those ancient ideas about "right" and "wrong" they are just gameplay styles, Section 8 has some players which also like playing in small groups-tb and do lone huntings.I do even know players which do these things on theyr own, or with fewer people, not needing to "tc", there are some of us which love classical style "pk", we dont have any "obligation" in any way to "satisfy" or met nonmembers/players needs/likes/expectations, we play in our way, you play in your way , you could always ask for your space without having to sound like a religious fanatic or an angry kid that doesnt get what he wants...about the hate to player killers in general...  i dont know what you are expecting , playing a "wasteland" themed game and having all non hostile players-non hostile npcs, and immortality,what would it be then? go playing habbo hotel if you want an avatar-themed chat "game"...its a real shame that this game has gradually lost its original meaning, and i know some old players would agree with this aswell... i remember wipes ago when it was a real warzone,i as a newbie had to go through broken hills underound cave, because the surface was a constant chaos, i didnt cry, never felt a need to , i just adapted to the dangers, and actually enjoyed the difficulty, even making random local allies, just for the sake of survival,when there was nowhere to be safe, when few people cried over the forum, few people had to cry about getting killed, when you died and there was random respawns, dying in hub and respawning in klamath (the usual respawn place), when mutants were so rare and there wasnt any really mayor imbalance,i remember when miners had to escape from the mine, since they spotted the mutant leader´s scout...those were great times...when newbies protect themselves making local battle groups instead of crying in an internet forum expecting others to solve theyr problems ...most of you never played in those great eras, you didnt need to show off everything you do, you didnt need to have tier 3 gear to actually have fun, all in all its a shame most of you will never enjoy such a great experience...there was no need to troll behind a computer screen, like a momma´s boy, raging and insulting as if it would change anything in any way, but instead, just making the entire thing suck...

--- Quote from: Swarm on March 06, 2012, 03:52:07 pm ---LOL... so I see you guys ran into section 8 :D Try fighting 8 players with those plasma sd builds :)

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what can i say, most members got tired of uselessly trying to find armor blueprints, neccesary for non sneak combat builds, so we went with low budget assasins, it aint that bad tho, hand to hand with knockdowns is stupid, but well, a shame real assasins with melee (backstab or cutting throats) cant be really effective

Now ill quote zuhardu:

Quote from: shkoda999 on October 14, 2011, 04:37:04 am
Why there are not enough players?

--- Quote from: zuhardu on October 15, 2011, 01:24:05 pm ---Stupid rules, to many whiners, lazy developers, uninterested game masters. Tons of discutions about RP when is not actually any RP in FOnline. No real faction quests, very few real quests for solo players, no real feeling that you can affect the game in any way. PVP doesn't exist anymore in wasteland. You can only do TC and to do that your only chance is to join a big faction, which is actually spoiling the wasteland feeling. If you TC you play a few times per day or once every few days, if you don't, you can craft all day items you will never use. Of course, you can go in Redding and act like a moron, roleplaying a redneck because for fonliners role playing is not about quests, rewards or oportunity to affect the game in different ways, is about staying near a brahmin den and talking with "howdy" 8 hours per day or voting a new mayor in a unguarded city that will stop playing after a week because he realises that is actually nothing to do.

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--- Quote from: zuhardu on June 06, 2011, 05:10:41 pm ---And they should all burn in hell for that. Game abussers!

You know, why don't the mighty devs and gm's just make the "guarded zones" into "no pvp zones". What is the purpose of reinforcements anyway? Is like having a man that didn't eat for a whole week and then give him an apple. After that, tell him not to eat it because is against the rules. Of course the guy eats it and then you tell him how wrong he was and that he is a scum. All that, when you could just not have given this guy his apple.

Section 8 just tried to have fun. If something can be done, we try it. Simple as fuck. We don't cheat and we don't use codes. We did exaclly what others did before us and what others will do after we will be gone. The problem of this game is that it has to many things that "are not allowed" but can be done very easilly. The bigger problem is that these rules are bended and followed to a point only if the dev/gm had a good night sleep or not. Sometimes you can stay in an 2 entrances location, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can bomb people, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can leave 40 mercs in Geko mine, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can have mutants on auto fire, sometimes you can just have normal mercs whitch make the exaclly same thing like mutants (sorry for this, they haven't "fix" it yet). And the list could go on forever.

That's enough, I'm ragequiting! I'll go in Hinkley.

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Rage master:

--- Quote from: Prometheus Pithras on March 07, 2012, 12:17:49 am ---....

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too long and too boring


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