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Piece of shit game?

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as I said long time ago ,Devs have no idea how to balance things out, the whole perks, weapons, ammo, armors system is broken, if someone used common sense before creating this shoot in the back bullshit, it wouldnt have happened. The same can be said about hth bullshit and promised ac cap removal. Yeah I know, You have been told about it, it will be fixed soon (-> check wiki its something beetween 1 month and 1 year). The thing is game is unplayable and more and more people stop playing it. Its such a shame, I really liked this game 2 years ago since that time its going downhill ( since the whole crafting and trade system have been changed - Solar it must be ur doing ) and since that time i know more and more people abandoning  this game, and when really hardcore players leave it must mean something. You people must understand that weapons and armors must be the most important ( there must be a reason behind wasting time while gathering and crafting the gear). When you look at the builds, blue suits doing 200 and more dmg, blue suits with mousers doing  instakills, bluesuits hth trolls, bluesuits looters, bluesuit ac trolls and any other imba bluesuits are op thx to perks not the stuff, it has nothing to do with skill or standing in in front of the building etc. How standing in front of the building helps me a solo player do anything in Den or Modoc, while a no life sneaker troll like you camp in there for the whole day. Solar make up ur mind, You do a crafting game where u spend ur time either crafting or looting NPCs and where stuff matters or perk game where builds are the most important and stuff is cheap and easy to get.


--- Quote from: avv on March 09, 2012, 03:56:41 pm ---Removing isn't a good idea, it reduces options. It was already sad that bursters lost their ability to do sd bursts, even less options. Would have been great to see p90 sd burster in this session.

Best solution would be to make SD give a damage bonus from behind. Perhaps 25% - 30% dmg buff would be reasonable compared to the tradeoff you make by taking sd. You prolly don't get first or second lifegiver, so damage output for hitpoints is balanced tradeoff.

If you get percentage damage buff, it's not as good for bad gear as it is for good gear. That's because (duh) good gear does more damage so it benefits more. After such dmg buff plasma gren sd strike would do about 120 dmg minus armor's resistances.

Guaranteed bypass wouldn't be too powerful either, it has the same logic as damage buff: good gear benefits most.

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Yes I agree, it would be sad to remove it entirely but SD bursters had to go 300 crit every shot was ridiculous.

But nerfing removing/lowering chance to find, making NPCs buffed beyond all belief is what is making threads like "piece of shit game" popping up.

I mean going to San Fran killing press gang and mercenaries is not easy with a low level character on top of the pro turn base players that camp around there. I have to admit those TB players who camp san fran are fucking good... I ran into 1 killed 3 of us solo becuase we suck at TB pvp.

Yes sure they are blue suits who come into town with 1-2 plasma grenades but I do not think a SD thrower can farm SF alone with that character. One is not going to survive long if his only character is a SD plasma nader. So its not like its an entirely cheap character to create when you think about the time spent farming and leveling it up. Throwing is not an easy character to level and plasma grenades are actually not that easy to farm without some kind of farmer alt.

--- Quote from: Killy on March 09, 2012, 04:13:54 pm ---as I said long time ago ,Devs have no idea how to balance things out, the whole perks, weapons, ammo, armors system is broken, if someone used common sense before creating this shoot in the back bullshit, it wouldnt have happened....

--- End quote ---

I am a hardcore 2238 player and I haven't quit. This session isn't all that bad it is different it is difficult it is challenging. I have slowly adapted and some of the new perks are really fun to toy around with making differnt builds. The traditional BA x2 toughness psycho avenger pwns all build days are over.

I guess if you play nothing but PvE and getting PKed over and over by some sneaker with plasma grenades then sure I guess this game sucks. I can see if you play this game for crafting and farming all day solo it is really harsh.

For me at least I have a few players I trust to farm and share a base with to stock pile so I guess I have easier time because I don't play solo. But this game is harsh to the solo pve player.

I have the most fun doing PvP town control if its even called that any more... Strategizing and executing a plan is the fun part for me and trying outsmart and outgun the other team is what I find the most fun in this game. And that is why all these plasma sneakers pop-up because we are trying to out smart and out gun eachother with any method possible. And people well use these things to PK the random solo player but it happends.

I started first day on the wipe I got my caps built my base that dissapeared, got PK like crazy lost my crafting materials by pkers at mariposa, attempted to farm the hard NPCs and I haven't quit. The game takes a lot of patience if you have the mind set that you are going to die alot then it isn't so bad. If you are a player who gets pissed off when he dies, get your gear looted then yes you well rage quit fast.

This wipe is the most competitive I've seen, we are all in competition to get the resources to craft the best gear and to come out on top in PvP.

This isn't the mine all day make carpets of BA in your base game any more its a game of risks, a game of outsmarting other players. It is survival of the fittist more so than ever.

You dont get the point, one can said that he doesnt like the changes the other once can say that he does, just lets check how many people keep playing it and how many used to play, and You will know if the updates where good or not. There is 182 players online and I bet that 20% of them are proxy. Game is too hard for newcomers ,huh even old people quit playing it. U will end up alone doing ur pvp with who ? Ah i know u vs Solar or Jovanka lol, or maybe You will keep fast relogging and fight against urself. GL


--- Quote from: Killy on March 09, 2012, 04:47:50 pm ---You dont get the point, one can said that he doesnt like the changes the other once can say that he does, just lets check how many people keep playing it and how many used to play, and You will know if the updates where good or not. There is 182 players online and I bet that 20% of them are proxy. Game is too hard for newcomers ,huh even old people quit playing it. U will end up alone doing ur pvp with who ? Ah i know u vs Solar or Jovanka lol, or maybe You will keep fast relogging and fight against urself. GL

--- End quote ---

There is plenty of PvP going on, 3 way faction wars with bbs, hawks and allies, amboys and allies on a daily basis.

I've endured every type of bull shit in this game and I haven't quit playing because of it, getting trolled pk'd going to unsafe locations to mine and craft is part of the game. And it wouldn't be 2238 without theifs trolls and pkers.

We all started fresh this season, started level 1 and made our way up. Right now it is probably easier for new comers if there is any noob helper factions out there becuase everybody should have bases, cars, and can craft a good majority of good gear. We were all new at some point.

Trust me I had most death award starting at level 1 at begining of this session with no gear nothing and I didn't rage quit. It can be done it takes patience and meeting a few people you can trust.

heh, dude if 18 people stay, You will keep saying that there is plenty pvp action and u have 3 battles 6v6v6 every day... im gonna say it again u dont get it ..

Swarm u keep playing b/c u are the no life sneaker troll im talking about. If they make you waste 10 hours just to get 2 plasma nades u will happily accept it and go for it, just b/c u have nothing else to do in ur life. ( and im not trolling this is the reality )


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