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Piece of shit game?

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--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on March 08, 2012, 03:25:17 pm ---So just make SD work at 10 hex range and closer? Why nerf it into oblivion?
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The biggest problem is that it autocrits. Besides, crits and sneak fit together badly. Crits are based on gambling and sneaking is about planning. You can't plan to win at gamble, that's why a sd sneaker who gets bad crits usually dies right away. But because he can get those good crits with any gear, it's encouraging to roll with as little gear as possible to reduce the losses from unsuccesful attack.

Personally I beleave best option would be either damage boost or guaranteed bypass. It doesn't add any random instances in the play, but a simple predictable bonus. This encourages taking good gear because good gear benefits more from pure damage bonuses than crap gear.


--- Quote from: T-888 on March 08, 2012, 03:32:31 pm ---No it doesn't you just have to be in line of him from one of the sides , i tested all that in CBT :)

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Right, because all walls are straight.

--- Quote from: avv on March 08, 2012, 03:33:16 pm ---Personally I beleave best option would be either damage boost or guaranteed bypass. It doesn't add any random instances in the play, but a simple predictable bonus. This encourages taking good gear because good gear benefits more from pure damage bonuses than crap gear.

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Well, as long as it's a 1shot kill in case it connects "right" I see nothing wrong with that. Heck, just make SD do +50% crit chance instead of autocrit and call it a day.

Oh my ... you are just impossible , it doesn't matter what kind of wall if your in a straight line of him on one of the sides it counts as back. How stubborn can you get.


--- Quote from: T-888 on March 08, 2012, 03:35:57 pm ---Oh my ... you are just impossible , it doesn't matter what kind of wall if your in a straight line of him on one of the sides it counts as back. How stubborn can you get.

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O rly? Well, SD-hit this. Actually, SD-hit a dude that keeps changing direction at random, because with 150-ish ping and 60 fps he's got 8-12 blind frames on you and you can't tell what direction he's facing at the moment of the throw. And that's assuming attacks have 1 frame to become active, if the hit occurs after a few startup frames you can add that too.


Nevermind. Talking about completely ridiculous stuff again , irrelevant.


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