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Proxy and multi-logging (Spitted from: Fonline lolpics)

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It's not about what she wants , she follows rules make sure they are followed that's what she do , the only difference is when it happens and how much , what GM does. It's not like it's " the great banwave " , yes i'm well informed what has happened in the past.

These rules about dual log cannot be kept ... well let's say respected for long what they currently are , how long some shortly " motivated " game masters will keep this up even if their somewhat successful ? It's a downward spiral. That's the wrong approach how to deal with the issue.

What i'm saying the long term solution would be to ease up some of the rules , otherwise you will fight forever a never ending fight what will not lead to anything positive , just an example i provided before. Let's say you really work very hard and ban many characters , prove your point that you can and keep the rules followed , but what will come next ?

Ask yourself the question and be realistic about it.

If you ease the rules, it wont be about PvP skills, but about whos got the best HW with SW and found the best means how to abuse something. Youre clearly biased in this matter, because it was your gang that was caught with multiple fonline instances and I understand why are you so against it.
Statistically, if you make cheating harder, less people will do it. For me, it would be great improvement if I see just 3 dual logs from SoT instead of 10.

If dual logging to gain unfair advantage in fights is forbridden,
then fast relogging to do so should be forbridden as well.

I encountered this. One guy baited me into a building, logged off and instantly a HtH 100%KD character appeared nearby, of course attacking me.
That's lame and annoying, and UNFAIR, even If I somehow manage to kill both :F

First of all let's get some things straight , what happens to " my " gang is completely not your business , second the thing i'm biased to is common sense if you read carefully , i have no problem using proxies as other players too , some might even spend money on that and looks like there are such superiors here that will work hard to punish us. I already pointed out how inefficient and pointless that can be , so don't tell me much more. It's just maybe there is a less painful way how the superiors , i'm sorry game masters could deal with that.

Easing up the rules won't make people cheat more , it's absurd to say that it will , because the rules were eased up already and there is absolutely no change at all , only now people can do certain actions through dual log without the fear being banned. That was done all the time before , no matter what the rules sometimes people were punished for basicly nothing because the rules said so , it happens to be like that considering current rules. Now game masters remember every single simple action those crafters , taxi's were banned last season on dual logs , what now is completely reasonable that wasn't before , bans were only because rules said so. So much wasted time. We tolerated that blindly , players did.

I'm not saying let's allow all to cheat , i'm saying maybe allow those few scouts and taxi's in town control ? Like i said it's nothing new or gamebreaking for anyone , TB battles with proxies on dual logs now that's gamebreaking.

There is one thing everyone can understand and that's reason.

--- Quote from: Floodnik on March 05, 2012, 11:33:10 pm ---If dual logging to gain unfair advantage in fights is forbridden,
then fast relogging to do so should be forbridden as well.

--- End quote ---

Looks like i'm not the only one after all.

--- Quote from: Sarakin on March 05, 2012, 11:04:39 pm ---Statistically, if you make cheating harder, less people will do it. For me, it would be great improvement if I see just 3 dual logs from SoT instead of 10.

--- End quote ---

Forgot about this.

Less people cheat , bigger advantage for those who does you think you will reduce only SoT dual loggers ? :) That doesn't help at all. In the end there might be some teams who will not know how to cheat at all if it's hard enough , so you might actually make SoT stronger than ever. Then we will be called the only cheaters or whatever , no thanks.

Youre still acting like you cheat only because of others. Do you realize, that SoT are those, who cheat the most and define the beat for others ?
Devs eased the rule about FR, now you can see what big problem it has become, but this is not thread about FR.


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