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We're back... Again!

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What about funds ? Are you going to be compensated by the previous company ? (Unspent months + downtime)

What's with russian nicknamed characters? Will be data restored or something? Can we get them back?

It was good to see it up this morning but it is down again I see some threads about huge lags constantly when i come back from school.

Like I mentioned anonymously on the blog; precautions should be made first to prevent another attack before bothering to put it back out there again. :(

Course that's just assumptions. 

It's really good news server is being switched is great anyways! :D  I hope the whole matter is solved soon.

Very good news for the whole Wasteland. Even more good news. No wipe ! ! !
Not even better, but still very good. I like you reference Nexxos. Spent a huge amount of time on this wonderfull game... ::)


--- Quote from: hetzner ---16 GB DDR3 RAM
--- End quote ---
Sounds like a lot of fun with managing this space of RAM :)


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