Other > Auctions
--- Quote from: Dark Angel on February 19, 2012, 08:59:51 pm ---dont buy it, it will be deleted.
--- End quote ---
lockers were supposed to be delted but where not... so am hopeing this is not.
fuck it 13k....;] i will bid until fallout will cry and rage quit...;]
--- Quote from: Dark_Side on February 20, 2012, 01:45:00 am ---fuck it 13k....;] i will bid until fallout will cry and rage quit...;]
--- End quote ---
falloutman will never cry, and I doubt he will rage quit
Cheesey Dean:
Is Dark_Side 14? Judging by his terrible grammar, it certainly seems like it. He keeps raising the bid in a shitty attempt at trolling, even though he's wasting his time because the OP isn't taking his bids seriously.
Dark_Side, you are troll. You cant posting bids in this topic now....
Falloutdude (12k) is winning now.
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