Other > Gang Issues

Situation on 2238

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--- Quote from: Kilgore on March 26, 2012, 11:34:55 am ---- Klamath being camped by some chinese faction during the day and the fists (sometimes backed up by SOT?) in the evenings/nights

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No, we just saw you in Den and come there but you moved in klamath and we moved too but there we fail in tactics and retreat  ;D

Although this is the Gang Issues subforum, it doesn't mean unmoderated section where you can insult / openly show your hate every post. This will get you banned in a blink of an eye. I gave bans / warnings for the people who earned them, congratulations for them.

You can openly discuss the current situation on 2238 server here, as that's what the topic is about, but I'll remind you to stick to the forum rules, many of you should read them (or reread).

The reason for all these conflicting topics is only inability of Devs, who might know about the problem more than two years and never did anything about it - "incoming of new element to the game for the suppression of the swarm, give to all same chance". Instead of prewipe balanced game, they ruined her now. Do not be surprised that Gr1m is angry. Also some arguments of SoTs  about tactics and innocence are ridiculous as mechanics this game. :)


--- Quote from: Kilgore on March 26, 2012, 11:34:55 am ---- TSAR appearing in den but didn't see many of them there

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we are there kilgore just being more quiet to keep it more "safe" for slavers and such. whole point of us taking den is for rp with current system will not happen sense the dead lock between us and sot is allways retardedly close. we stay quiet for now but we willl be loud soon when tc system changes to something more then win town, lose town, win town, lost town. btw congrats on modoc.  ;)


--- Quote from: pti4ka on March 26, 2012, 10:26:21 am ---Fully agreed, all waiting for it  :)
Manero, You know it clear that if we will see enemies/militia/action or some another action in each city we will come immidietly (As we had fight in Gecko Mogoc etc...). 
So we are making action in Redding and BH and waiting for your movies in Modoc, for example ;)

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Ye, but moving 5 alts of each player takes too long so you not always have enough time for it and sometimes you are too late  :D

You people speak here like SOT always wins. Like they never lose any fight which is not true of course. I more prefer fight with SOT and their funny tricks cuz you can always think something up for defend yourself against it. Different thing is swarm, there is not much option for win the swarm, so I would like to say swarmers are cheaters more then say SOT are.


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