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Author Topic: Give players the ability to change the build of an already leveled character.  (Read 4451 times)

I'm hesitant about the idea for a couple reasons.

Imagine there is a crafting character and he's harmless at actually fighting. And then one day he changes into a big bad PvP character.
There's just something not right about that.

Also, there's the problem with using alt after alt to attack. And someone could just change all their alts to PvP characters just for the fight.

And there is always a problem with making something expensive. It will be available by the wrong people. As in who is the richest? Big factions.


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Imagine there is a crafting character and he's harmless at actually fighting. And then one day he changes into a big bad PvP character.
There's just something not right about that.
I suppose it can feel pretty odd.

But for a beta it has a lot of uses.

As well as that, I suppose there can be a small degradation to it. 

"During the process, you lose some memories"
effect:  You lose 3 levels.  (if you did it at 24, you are now level 21)

Also, there's the problem with using alt after alt to attack. And someone could just change all their alts to PvP characters just for the fight.
It's harder to make a crafter level 24 than a pvp char to level 24.  So what's the big deal?

And there is always a problem with making something expensive. It will be available by the wrong people. As in who is the richest? Big factions.
I'm saying bring to to the middle.  The Big factions will always be the richest, baddest, fucking ass holes in the wastes.

But make it at least a challenge for smaller gangs, and an extreme one for loners.

say, 50,000 caps for one level change.

Loners will have trouble, but that's part of being a loner.
small gangs will have to work for it, but it's hardly out of their reach.

Big factions - 
The Big factions will always be the richest, baddest, fucking ass holes in the wastes.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.

YES..YOZZ..I AM TOTALLY AGAINST THIS NEW WAY OF CHEATING...THE LAST THING PLAYERS LIKE YOU NEED!  Already your biggest **** in the game, watching a fight and getting that last kill on people...PKING is one thing, but you bring a new low to the game!!!

Players taking advantage of others in a game of survival of the fittest. What?!

Anyway, I would be against this because leveling and the involvement of activities while leveling is still content that needs to be tested. If the suggested was the case then most of the player testing would be done at max level with the in-between start to finish being left out.

Perhaps all the required testing of leveling has already been fulfilled, perhaps not. We just don't know.


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People still need to level first, it's not like insta-level up or anything.

Also, Hardly anyone's going to ONLY PLAY ONE CHAR.

You still would have to pay a butt-load of caps to change the stats, and if my add-on of -3 levels got added they'd have to re-level to achieve max a little bit, so there's a little bit of constant levelling included.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.

People still need to level first, it's not like insta-level up or anything.

Also, Hardly anyone's going to ONLY PLAY ONE CHAR.

You still would have to pay a butt-load of caps to change the stats, and if my add-on of -3 levels got added they'd have to re-level to achieve max a little bit, so there's a little bit of constant levelling included.

I never implied that people wouldn't have to level up first. However, if the system worked in a way that you couldn't change your special then it would be terrible and if the system worked in a way that you could change your special then there would be little point to leveling another character because you wouldn't have the need to, past what it would theoretically cost to do so of course.


I'm sorry, but this is just a fucking terrible idea. This isn't WoW. It's not babby's firsy MMO. It's fucking FOnline. You shovel shit for your first level. you are griefed and PK'd by everyone who plays. There are people who sit in town all day and pick pocket players, AND THATS A COMPLETELY VIABLE BUILD. That is what makes this game different and......... fun........ You remove the difficulty, the constant grind, and all the other bullshit we deal with and you have every other generic MMO.

I like alot of this idea but I dislike the fact someone would just re-roll an easily leveled build to create a thief troll.


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I never implied that people wouldn't have to level up first.
you kind of did.  Implying that people wouldn't be involved in activities related to leveling. 

However, if the system worked in a way that you couldn't change your special then it would be terrible and if the system worked in a way that you could change your special then there would be little point to leveling another character because you wouldn't have the need to, past what it would theoretically cost to do so of course.
You kind of would need to.

Take big gangs (and some well-organized/financed small gangs), who need several alts to fight efficiently (thanks for no relog timer.... >:(, not that they wouldnt dual or multi-log anyways :P)  I highly doubt they will, if they find themselves in the need of a sneak, or a sniper, go wherever it is the thing would be implemented, and change their character, just for that occasion, and all other similar occasions, every time.  It would be ridiculous.

People will make more than 1 character.  No matter the argument.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.

No. takes the whole fun out leveling and roleplaying a character.. go play counter strike..

Counter Strike/Quake/CoD/BF/Diablo/PvP players don't have probelms with lvling characters, trust me. Someone can make character in one day. This feature will help "roleplayers" to check another build and I think it is fine.

10k payment for reset build and all is ok.


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Yes, I am the Harbinger of all trolling.  I am the reason all good suggestions have gone to the grave.  Watch out for that guy by the window.  He may come get you in your sleep.   :-X

And why such hate for Counter Strike?  Srsly?  What did it do to you?  And yet you give no real evidence as to how it would take fun out of the server.

You just say:  "Oh my fucking god this idea sucks it is so exploitable fucking shit-idea go fuck and die."

Just ignore him. It's not the first time I see him trolling like an asshole.
YES..YOZZ..I AM TOTALLY AGAINST THIS NEW WAY OF CHEATING...THE LAST THING PLAYERS LIKE YOU NEED!  Already your biggest **** in the game, watching a fight and getting that last kill on people...PKING is one thing, but you bring a new low to the game!!!
So, you think the idea is bad just because it is posted by Yoz? Well, I can re-post it so you can finally say something not highly biased and not mildly retarded. Deal?
Also, there's the problem with using alt after alt to attack. And someone could just change all their alts to PvP characters just for the fight.
I really doubt there would be a need for alts with this idea. You have your main character, you level him, get some money, and go from crafter to a fighter, fight against the opposing faction, after dying alot you go back and go crafter again.
I like alot of this idea but I dislike the fact someone would just re-roll an easily leveled build to create a thief troll.
And? He can aswell create a thief troll alt, level it like people do it now and make no difference.
I'm sorry, but this is just a fucking terrible idea. This isn't WoW. It's not babby's firsy MMO. It's fucking FOnline. You shovel shit for your first level. you are griefed and PK'd by everyone who plays. There are people who sit in town all day and pick pocket players, AND THATS A COMPLETELY VIABLE BUILD. That is what makes this game different and......... fun........ You remove the difficulty, the constant grind, and all the other bullshit we deal with and you have every other generic MMO.
So the idea is bad... because... It's not harsh enough? Well, never seen you around, so I presume you are a loner or in a very (not) well known gang (aka you are a bluesuit). Let's see who cries first about this feature being too expensive or something.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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No. takes the whole fun out leveling and roleplaying a character.. go play counter strike..
Yeah roleplaying altnumber13425.

This will have zero effect on alts. Nobody will spend a huge amount of money to change their combat char into a crafter, craft 100 CA and spend more money to change back. It's easier to have a permanent alt.
If you made a character with a small mistake, then you don't make an alt. You delete your wrong character and then use the same name for a new build without the mistake.

This, at most, would be an added convenience to people playing the current overpowered build. They wouldn't need to level a new OP build after silent death is nerfed or whatever. And of course a convenience to people who made a mistake and took jinxed or whatever.

It's a nice idea, but I'm not sure if this can be done on the server without deleting the whole character and re-creating it in the database. One suggestion from me would be to lower the cost, so people other than powerbuilders with 50 alts and tons of money can use it. Because people who can afford 50,000 caps already know how to make a build without mistakes and how to get it to 24 in one day. Maybe a pay-per-service feature? 1,000 caps and 1 level lost for each SPECIAL point changed or 3,000 and 3 levels for every perk to change?
<Izual> Let's crash server


  • The Sarmatian
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I would spend 20k to change the char rather then making a new one


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I like this and really want it too, for my personal pleasure :)

But imagine this:

Now: Crazy ape (or many crazy apes) spends days on lvling ape-chars for his proxy swarm.
Then: Crazy ape just creates army of ape-chars and has instant proxy-legion.

I wouldnt want to have an unarmed troll in Redding mine every few seconds also...

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 10:31:35 am by Andr3aZ »


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This will have zero effect on alts.
Just apply the one character per player rule already! Re-add the log-in/out time out and ban people having alts.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
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