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Author Topic: Vault City Citizenship  (Read 1627 times)

Vault City Citizenship
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:05:43 pm »

Hei, I'm kinda new on the forum. I've played FOnline before, but now I just started a new character 2 days ago after like a half-year of not playing. I've only been playing shortly and allready encountered quite an unpleasant problem/BUG??? ... >>>

I can't get the VaultCIty Citizen status, wiki says that if I have FA/Doctor/Repair above 120% I can get it through dialogue from the gate guard, but it doesn't work, even if I have FA 126% - when I say "Vault City needs my expertise" he just says "I have nothing for you now, maybe later."
He gave me the quest with hydroelectro-magnetic sphere before, but I accidentaly picked the wrong dialogue option and failed it. Now it seems my character can't get the citizenship status, but I need it for DOC3.  :(

Any help, anybody, please???
Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 05:15:30 pm »

I don't know anything about the bug, but there is no Doctor 3 now. Only 2 levels, both of which you can acquire at any of the doctors in the wasteland. You don't need citizenship at all, since the medical terminal is below Necropolis now.


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Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 05:25:01 pm »

Hei, I'm kinda new on the forum. I've played FOnline before, but now I just started a new character 2 days ago after like a half-year of not playing. I've only been playing shortly and allready encountered quite an unpleasant problem/BUG??? ... >>>

I can't get the VaultCIty Citizen status, wiki says that if I have FA/Doctor/Repair above 120% I can get it through dialogue from the gate guard, but it doesn't work, even if I have FA 126% - when I say "Vault City needs my expertise" he just says "I have nothing for you now, maybe later."
He gave me the quest with hydroelectro-magnetic sphere before, but I accidentaly picked the wrong dialogue option and failed it. Now it seems my character can't get the citizenship status, but I need it for DOC3.  :(

Any help, anybody, please???

Unfortunately, if you fail that quest there is no way to get in ;\ That happened to me before also have to make a new character. A high cha character can get in no problem at level 1. If you really desperate to get in you have to make a new character :( that happened to me also one time and I had to remake doctor character last wipe it seems this issue has not been fixed.
Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 05:35:53 pm »

Unfortunately, if you fail that quest there is no way to get in ;\ That happened to me before also have to make a new character. A high cha character can get in no problem at level 1. If you really desperate to get in you have to make a new character :( that happened to me also one time and I had to remake doctor character last wipe it seems this issue has not been fixed.

Seem like THIS.  :(

I don't know anything about the bug, but there is no Doctor 3 now. Only 2 levels, both of which you can acquire at any of the doctors in the wasteland. You don't need citizenship at all, since the medical terminal is below Necropolis now.

Wut? O_O So there are no level3 professions right now? Are they like disabled for good?? I thought they were just missing on the forum, i didn't know they weren't ingame. Hmmm, wtf. Why did they disable the lvl3 professions? I don't understand this.
Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 05:47:18 pm »

Craftable items - that have been previously 'scattered' over the 3 profession levels  - are now instead divided into only two. However, you need blueprints to be able to craft the best stuff now, all of which require the second level of a profession.

For example, you used to need Doctor level 3 for Super Stimpaks (iirc), now you can craft them on level 2. You used to need Armorer 3 for Tesla Armor, now you need level 2 but blueprints as well.

No profession level limit either.


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Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 07:16:28 pm »

Vincenzo, it's a new season and significant changes have been made to the game mechanics since last season. This new season started on Jan 6th so it's still new and we're all still figuring things out. We are finding some things that are actually bugs and those are being fixed. We are also finding things that we may think are bugs but are due to changes not yet fully discovered by most players. Only a few important changes are...

Factions can now have multiple bases
Access to faction bases is a lot less troublesome to control
Once a character is a leader of a base, he can go buy additional bases for that faction on his own
You can buy a construction site instead of a full base, save a lot of caps but takes more time
So far, vendors don't seem to have almost any caps which forces true bartering over caps-purchases
Making Rot Gut is no longer a health risk to your wrists and eyes (thank you, devs!)
You will find footlockers in urban random encounters, some of which contain blueprints
Blueprints are needed for crafters to make the best gear in the game
As noted earlier, professions have only 2 training levels, not 3 anymore
No more professions limit - one crafter can potentially be fully trained in ALL professions
Many of the recipes for making things have changed
There are new ingredients showing up like "High Quality Fibers" and Barley
Mining timers have been inverted - no more cooldown for miners - replaced by resource warmup
Car prices appear to have gone way up
There are advanced workbenches at Mariposa Military Base, Toxic Caves, the Glow, and Gunrunners

...and tons of other enhancements.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 07:22:20 pm by Marko »
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Vault City Citizenship
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 10:25:36 pm »

Ok, thanks for all the info.
The lack of caps at city vendors is so far the biggest problem imho. It makes obtaining caps very hard for a solo player. Also a lot of vendors won't accept anything else than few specific items and it makes bartering with NPCs quite weird. Imho the FOnline economy in this state needs a serious caps ammount kick, vendors should spawn let's say at least few thousand caps a day.
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