Other > Gang Issues

The announcement from mayor of BH

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Looks like Valentine day don't take a toll on  :)

Hects Hakal:
Actually valentines day was few days ago ;) atleast here-and im not a troll Marcus is still at broken hills so hes still sheriff/mayor

well dear BHH...as far we saw your builds in den where we annihilated your gang and militia in 40s. bh is much harder and sot is sitting on their asses there...for now best solution for you guys is.......NCR :)

Yep. We respect Marcus and inhabitants of Broken Hills, NPC and players. But Marcus have not enough rules to make BH well-guarded city. So from ex session we try to make roleplay town and kill only enemy faction players here. We usually use BH prefixes in our nicknames. So we are allways around BH and with the big pride we name ourselves inhabitants of BH. And our mayor - the mayor of free inhabitants is not Marcus. Its ex leader of Broken Hills Hunters - Virtu.

Yeah, good to hear that's the roleplaying factions are 'round. However, like avv said, you guys really need to speak english some more. ;)


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