I was strugling with a big gunner and sg gunner cause as a loner it was hard to level, maintain some items while hunting etc.
And then I read a thread about unarmed build and copied it.
Well... I am so pleased... I tweaked the build just a bit cause I hate charisma 1 characters and took out 2 from luck and put it to charisma. I know I get less eye crits but at least I can sell the stuff I gather and do some quests...
Overal... its wonderful... while with my other character I spent 2 weeks to go to level 12... with this guy I went to 10 in 1 and 1/2 day with casual gaming and with only doing Mutated Molerats for 1 and a 1/2 level.
The mere fact that you keep knocking them down makes encounters with a 1-2 enemies so fun! They cant get off their damn feet! I took Tabitha out when she attacked me in half a minute without taking a point of damage...
Oh and the best part? You are always on the go... your blue suit is all you need... anything above that (spiked knuckles, leather jacket for example) is merely a tiny upgrade... and I am level 10... not even toughness/even tougher yet.
The next best thing is off course that with perception 1 (the only stat you have to tank admitedly if you want Endurance 10 as well) you dont care about eating weak healing powders for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you are constantly topped up with minimal effort when your first aid is on cooldown.