FOnline Development > General Discussion
FOnline Server - need help with error
I have this problem with FOnline:DE (FOnline SDK rev 307)
I make a new character, enter the game and...
fragment from Fonline.log (maybe it is from this)
Starting FOnline (version 0381-D2)...
Engine initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
SpriteManager::Init - Shader 2d contours compilation fail, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
>. Used old style contours.
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to create effect compiler, effect<3D_Default.fx>, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
Animation3d::StartUp - Fail to create effect, skinning switched to software.
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to create effect compiler, effect<2D_Default.fx>, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to create effect compiler, effect<Interface_Default.fx>, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to create effect compiler, effect<Primitive_Default.fx>, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
Sprite manager initialization complete.
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to create effect compiler, effect<Font_Default.fx>, errors<ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
>, legacy compiler errors<E_FAIL
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
Loaded<419> critter types.
Load scripts...
Bind reserved functions...
Bind reserved functions complete.
Load scripts complete.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Load sprites.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.
Network init...
Connecting to server<localhost:2250>.
Connecting successful.
Network init successful.
Auntification success.
Change map...
Get hash of map, pid<665>...complete.
Load map...Load map success.
Local map loaded.
...probably something I had to miss when update some old rev.
For clean FOnline SDK server the same client works fine. So the error is somewhere on the my server
Now I'm not able compare over thousands of lines of code and have small problem :D
Install latest Framework and update your Direct X
--- Quote from: Gob on February 13, 2012, 06:04:38 pm ---Install latest Framework and update your Direct X
--- End quote ---
It won't help :)
--- Quote from: Ras on February 12, 2012, 08:10:16 pm ---...probably something I had to miss when update some old rev.
For clean FOnline SDK server the same client works fine. So the error is somewhere on the my server
Now I'm not able compare over thousands of lines of code and have small problem :D
--- End quote ---
But I don't know if he didn't fixed it aleady.
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