Other > Closed suggestions

Attacked by wandering patrols at sub-3 CH

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What does everyone have against 1 charisma? You already nerfed people with low CHA to hell. Remember we can't talk to traders, can't take quests for easy xp. We can't lead people, we can't get mercs, we can't slave.

What about other attributes at 1?
People with 1 luck should get a -20% to their hitchance modifier, why? because they are so unlucky.
People with 1 endurance  shouldn't be able to run since endurance could be compared to stamina, and they don't have much of it.
People with 1 Pe should just get a negative bonus check agains't stealing, simply because they barely can see, feel, hear or smell things.

But those things aren't ingame, yet everyone with 1 cha gets massive negative effects trown at him. Give people with low Cha a break man.

Still not happy? Want a good solution? Here's one:

Add more quests for people with charisma, they need a minimal 4 charisma to do them. However the quests are easier and the rewards are better if the player Charisma is higher. (This is already the case with most quests anyway)
Give people who follow leaders with high charisma a combat bonus doesn't have to be big. This gives people a reason to have a character with 10 charisma.
Give People with a decent charisma AND speech a chance to talk their way out of a raider/bandit ambush, they aren't as tough as a pvper so give them a chance to solve things peacefully. (afcoarse this should give a xp reward)
The higher onces Charisma the cheaper mercs should be for that person.

There's a couple of suggestions that wouldn't be so negative for people with low CHA. And it gives people with higher charisma a good reason to actually have the charisma.

I agree with GroeneApell 100%.i have a 1 charisma character,and the only reason why is i needed 6 luck...So if i have gotten 6 charisma and 1 luck,i would be perfectly fine(without the criticals of course).But since i got 6 luck and 1 charisma,i can hardly do anything social with NPCs.What im saying is,if you're going to nerf one stat,nerf the others to balance it out.


--- Quote from: GroeneAppel on February 27, 2010, 11:38:26 am ---What about other attributes at 1?
People with 1 luck should get a -20% to their hitchance modifier, why? because they are so unlucky.
People with 1 endurance  shouldn't be able to run since endurance could be compared to stamina, and they don't have much of it.
People with 1 Pe should just get a negative bonus check agains't stealing, simply because they barely can see, feel, hear or smell things.

--- End quote ---

In Fact, with 1 luck you can't be a good medic.
With 1 endurance you are a dead guy... or the first guy to die during a fight.
With 1 PE, you have a very bad hitchance (I think you have a +8% modifier for each PE point)

If the most of the character have 1 CHA, as Pluto say, it's to be able to have 6 Luck. That mean that a 1 CH character can have most of the fighting perk (Better critical, more critical, bonus ranged damage, thougness)... Most of the character with CH can't have them.


--- Quote from: Pennybags on February 26, 2010, 06:40:35 pm ---But, if you want to balance the game system a bit better to try and prevent people from putting 1 in a stat, what about making 1 charisma characters attacked by everyone in random encounters?
Towns could still be based on their faction reputation, but with the frequency that you run into large patrols and caravans in the world-map this would make it more of a bitch to run around with 1 charisma. 

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I'm not against the idea itself, but I don't like to see people getting attacked and when they defend (cause that is, when someone attack you and you shoot back) themselves, their reputation with the factions going low, so they can't enter the city at all. So you have only option to run. But that is already a matter for example when you spawn too close to caravan in turn based, so this should be fixed somehow. If someone attack you, it should be legal to shoot back, but I can also see, how this is gonna be abused (provoke caravan to kill them without any reputation change).

Nah, low stats should just provide less benefits, rather than more disadvantages. People take low cha because it's not encouraged enough to take higher.


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