Other > Suggestions

More Radiation

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150 years after the bombs dropped the radiation levels would be tiny, maybe enough to give you cancer by 40 but not enough for immediate results like in fonline.


--- Quote from: Lexx on February 26, 2010, 06:36:43 pm ---Ok. When I am ingame, I will give everyone I see randomly between 500 and 1000 rads. :)

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Why so many ? There can be lesser numbers :
-When you get some junk u gain 2 rads
-When you travel with low outdoor - 4 - 15 rad
-Mining - 3 rads
Its not that deadly, and radiation level will increase slowly, point by point until bad effects come.


--- Quote from: Roachor on February 26, 2010, 06:56:25 pm ---150 years after the bombs dropped the radiation levels would be tiny, maybe enough to give you cancer by 40 but not enough for immediate results like in fonline.

--- End quote ---
no, with no action taken to prevent the fallout many areas would remain massively radioactive for a long time, perhaps add a "perma-death" by radiation? it doesn't go away on respawn and if it reaches a certain (very high) point the character is actually dead and deleted.


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