Other > Closed suggestions
Suggestion about piromaniack
Will be good if devs will inrease + for damage on perck "Promaniack" from +5 to +15, becoase no one player using its. Now this is unuseable perck, if its will be give +15-20 to damage from flammer and may be have able for tacke 2 time this perk, then i am will tacke "piromanick" for my flammer-build.
Oliver I.
P.S. Sorry for my english.
Give some boost to flamer... more damage, better ammo. Even thought it's damage type got own resistance it's bloody useless. It should be powerfull to compensate it's short distance, seriously.
Dont know if this is not impossible to realize, but is there possibility to add something like splash damage to flamers? Then you can smoke up enemy in buildings. And if you will be able to use flamer without aiming the enemy..
Mars Sultan:
Widen the burst cone, in other words. Because using a flamer is essentially using a burst weapon with a range of 5.
I'm more for improving the actual weapons themselves. One thing to consider is removing the +25 DR from normal flamer fuel and giving the MKII fuel -25 DR. So it would be:
Flamer: 30-60, 0 DR mod, -20 AC mod
Improved Flamer: 45-90, -25% DR mod, -20 AC mod
Which makes sense considering the Improved Flamer is a Big Guns 3 weapon.
I agree the flamer has no reason to be nerfed, it's far from the most dangerous weapon. I know it has way higher damage than other guns but consider how many shots you will take reaching your target.
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