Other > Faction Announcements
Looking for faction to join(PVP)
Here in 2238 never I was in any factions, didn't met right people and didn't wanted to be in some random faction. I have almost everything that I need(excluding some blueprints :) )but I dont have much left to do and thinking maybe in faction it will be more activity. Im more PK player, because it brings more activity and fun, ofc Im not shooting person who I had helped in something or talked/disscus about smth, just killing people I dont know :), not because Im evil or smth just its way and why im playing this game at all- to shoot somebody :). So if you need player like me and your faction is active in PVP im in.
Have 3, 24 characters. 1 merc leader bigguner with max possible ammount pp 210(can use rocket launcher well), and 2 sneakers, one with fists other with pistols....and ofc many alts ....for now dont have motivation to lvling up like pvp ape character, because now I dont see neseserity to do that.
I am from Lithuania btw. I can understand Polish and Russian language little, but read in kirilica letters its hard job to me, still slowly but i can :)
Hects Hakal:
The only PvP thing at a faction is TC and...well if youre trigger-happy as me youll find it boring ;)
sry for spam but tyrael needs props
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