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Changelog 06/02/2012

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1. To craft CA u must spend zilions of hours to luckly find CA blueprint
2. It still needs some valuable materials to craft and good organised operation to craft it - unprotected advanced workbench, so ur risking getting attacked while crafting it and loosing all ur stuff.
3. You can repair that armor only few times, after that max det goes down and protection value of that armor is totally shit.
4. During the battle ur armors are breaking like an eggshells, Ur risking all ur stuff if u die u loose all, if u win the battle u loot 3/4 worthless armors -> beyond repair, heavly detorated, detorated under max 100
5. Those carpets that are u so scared of for a big organised gang last only for few actions. 4 example hipotetical gang with 10 players has "carpet" of 50 new 100/100 CA. Its morelike 5-7 TC battles nothing more.
6. CA givs shitty protection compared to BA from avenger (treshold goddmit)

and still ur nerfing it harder and harder. Wasnt it ur words that ? -> "blueprints are very hard to find but in exchange crafting is simple"... and what blueprint is the hardest to find... ? CA ofcooz.


--- Quote from: Big Gun Thug on February 07, 2012, 01:20:08 am ---There seems to be a bug with encounters. I encountered Brotherhood Initiate Patrol several times, but they were never on map, same thing with NCR Army.

--- End quote ---

I've been having the same thing with a lot of vs encounters, without the vs party..

Also, traveling speed seems to be much slower now :(

Edit: only now noticed there have already been replies to these issues. Sorry///

rangers doesnt drop armor after death.


Screen from actual wipe, I'm not sure what clan is that.

CA's recipe were something like 5-6? hq alloys + fiber. One gang has found blueprint, made an abnormal fucking carpet - this one above. So you decide to make CA more expensive. And now there's one gang, which have CA's to fight for half a year and there's rest of players with no chance to own at least 10 brand new CA's. Omg, thats not enough. You took away even option to farm shitty ones, 50% CA's. In short time there will be army of people in metal rmours versus one clan with combats ;]

Srsly, you should make a to-do list of unalancing-rebalancing changes and apply those with new wipe, not month after last one. Thats fucking annoying that we can do nothing to achieve economy or resources of bugusers or lucky guys, who made their profit before your reaction.

When will be next wipe? ;]

Is it just me or is the server very laggy today?

Damn, I cannot even open a locker.


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