Other > Closed suggestions
Laugh if you will. :P
This would be sweet ported to the wii. Tho most people would prolly hate on the idea, I like the point an click with the wiimote, and the wii has keyboard support.... so yea, I play on the wii, you on the PC. It would be sweet. :P
could it be done?
in the immortal wods of the Human Torch, "Flame on."
And the controller should also give you electric shock for every damage you take. If critical, it should be about 230V, for normal damage it should be equal to hit points taken. Of course in case of knockout it should work as a paralyser.. VyderÅžaj pianier! xD
sounds very funny,but NOT TO BE TRUE
Quentin Lang:
No, just because its a Wii..
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