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Survival Guides / Game Help
Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
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Topic: Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank (Read 1655 times)
Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
January 30, 2012, 03:23:19 am »
Hi everyone,
I bet you hear this all the time, but I'm having a very hard time getting started.
I've played Fallout 1&2 many times but I've never been good with effective builds.
I would really appreciate some advice on my build.
I want to make an unarmed fighter, with grenades as backup in case I'm not close enough or my opponent is running away.
I'd rather go for tank than crit-er/crippler. Here's what I've been thinking about so far.
ST 05 (max range for grenades + haymaker)
PE 05
EN 10
CH 03 (talk to nscs, 2 followers)
IN 10
AG 10
LK 01
Trait: Bruiser / Heavy Handed
Tag: Unarmed / Throwing / Outdoorsman
3 - Adrenaline Rush or Bonus HtH Damage?
6 - Toughness or Heave ho?
9 - Even Tougher or Heave ho 2?
12 - Lifegiver
15 - Lifegiver 2
18 - Lifegiver 3
21 - Bonus HtH Attacks (4 unarmed attacks per turn)
24 - Bonus RoF (2 grenades per turn)
On level 24:
HP = 285, AP = 8, AC = 30, MDMG = 1 (too low?)
Unarmed 180, Throwing 180, Sneak 50, Traps 50, Repair 50, Outdoorsman 150 (160 points left)
Are the -2AP from bruiser too much or is it ok?
What about Sneak? Is it worth putting points into (~100) or is it a waste?
What about Traps? Are 50 enough or are 100 better? I guess crafting is the best way to get grenades, right?
What do you think?
The Good Doctor
Doctor: 100%
Re: Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
Reply #1 on:
January 30, 2012, 03:39:10 am »
I think you forgot to invest into gambling.
Advice for beginners
Re: Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
Reply #2 on:
January 30, 2012, 09:15:43 am »
You can't pick bruiser with 1 strenght I believe. so your build won't work.
Either way, if you go 5 str. dont bother with heave ho perks.
Dont take adrenaline rush but go for bonus hth damage or toughness instead.
keep in mind that you need to take Toughness before you can take even tougher if I'm correct.
Nevertheless, the build could work. But you might want to cut into your PE if you cant get bruiser to work.
Also -2 AP is something you will feel. as your AP reload will be quite a bit slower. so you might consider not taking bruiser.
Instead you may consider traits like good natured (+50 pp), small frame (lowered carry weight but +1 ag) or Kamikaze (+40 AC)
Hope I helped.
Hects Hakal
The Sarmatians
Re: Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
Reply #3 on:
January 30, 2012, 09:33:50 am »
+1 whit goroeneapple but i think bruiser is a good choice
Re: Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank
Reply #4 on:
January 30, 2012, 06:11:38 pm »
5 is the lowest ST you can take with Bruiser. It works.
Isn't toughness a lvl 6 perk? I'm using the Fonline Fcp but maybe it's just not up-to-date.
I read that Heave Ho raised the range above max range. Is that wrong or if true just not worth two perks?
So you could throw grenades 21 hexes (15max for nades + 6 from 2x heave ho)
I think 4Special is worth missing 2AP for this build since by lvl 24 The only thing I've lost is one HtH attack.
Is Kamikaze even worth taking? I kinda don't see the point of AC in Fonline. Does it only apply while running?
Also isn't it a bad choice for a tank since it lowers your damage resistance by 30%?
Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 06:14:33 pm by ElTopo
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Survival Guides / Game Help
Unarmed / Grenadier / Tank