Other > Faction Announcements
Looking for faction to help me get started again
if you don't have a gauss pistol you're willing to get into my base, i ain't recruiting you into my faction :D
ok sry then but i still didnt understand ur comment before, if i dont have a gauss pistol then i can join ur base but not ur faction?
please clarify the purpose of posting into my thread
ok here's how i think of the situation.
1. you really ARE for real in which case i would NEVER recruit a raging kid like you in my faction. NEVER!
2. you're an elaborate trolling scheme by the same faction that supposedly killed you. now you're looking for faction, hoping some bleeding hearts will give you access to their base so you would take everything from it.
i tend to believe #2 is the case here.
Lol, where's my plane ticket to Greece? I told you buddy, PM me, I'll take care of you. :)
This usually where I post my recruitment poster, and don't get me wrong I usually don't discriminate.
I'll make an exception for you.
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