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I don't want to create this topic at "Suggestions" board.

Can you make next:
When use "Rope" on a tree or street light your character hanging self and never respawn. I tryed to die due to rats in metal armor, but it's boring and long, but i died. Then i shot at guards with my sniper rifle, but it's boring too.

I'm so bored to play this. I want to give sniper rifles, .223 ammo, metal armors, 12ga shells, 14mm ammo, stimpaks, brahmin hides, alot junk, something else and caps to noobs! But i'm too lazy to go at any guarded town, 'cause after last death i respawned at north.
UHUHUUuUuuuu :'(

maybe the all powerful deleteself message will do the trick, and then you can try your luck at a fistfighter  ;)


--- Quote from: gordulan on February 23, 2010, 07:54:39 pm ---maybe the all powerful deleteself message will do the trick, and then you can try your luck at a fistfighter  ;)

--- End quote ---

No, i downloading "iso" of one sinlge-player game, +i love fallout and it takes all my time, i don't want to waste my life! *makes intelligent face*

or you could try RUNE, it is a great game (no, i'm not talking about the hateful crap called RuneScape (more like Run, Escape))


--- Quote from: gordulan on February 23, 2010, 08:00:28 pm ---or you could try RUNE, it is a great game (no, i'm not talking about the hateful crap called RuneScape (more like Run, Escape))

--- End quote ---

I just gave everything at "market" location at Hub. They will happy ;p

One guy in blue suit get sniper rifle, 10k, and, may be, something else, other guy sniper rifle, metal armor, and don't know how much caps, and someone else... can't remember, there was ammo and around 30k caps, may be, and also i hide 5k caps at "Oldtown" location at Hub in shelves!

And now i going do it again, but i'll bring other items, all i have.

Damn it, server offline? I was droping brahmin hides at "Market" at Hub, and then i started lag. And now it's offline, ehh, this bluesuiter will not get brahmin hides!  :'(


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