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Changelog 28/12/2009 #2


- Fixed flagging; now flagged player has the reasons why he's been flagged displayed over his head (easier to test, might get changed in the future)
- Stealing in guarded towns again can make you flagged, either if player spots it ("Someone tried to rob you"), or guards - they perform perception roll against your skill, thief has got better chances during night
- Fixed bug which caused trouble with entering locations on the worldmap: http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=176.0
- Corrected crafting timeouts (no timeouts) for resources (alloys, gunpowder, metal parts, rotgut).
- Flagging status is not displayed in every town anymore.
- Removing of items that are in the vicinity of guards only happens in guarded towns now.

- mid-resources (alloys, gunpowder and stuff) are not subject of 'craft' timeout check


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