So I wanted to make a sledgehammer so I can go and mine stuff...
But I realised that in order to make a sledgehammer you need... Metal Parts.
In order to make metal parts you need Iron.
In order to get Iron you need a sledgehammer to mine it...
See the problem here?
So question is, can I mine with flint made primitive tool or with hatchet? Sounds crazy but I cant figure out how else this works...
Also is there now a chance on if you get Iron or Minerals? Cause last time I had played there were different stones giving different things. Now (before I died and lost my sledgehammer) I only kept getting minerals from the mine above Gecko... actually minerals and high quality minerals.
Now I know I could sell stuff and buy from vendors but all the vendors I checked in Gecko and VC had nor Iron, nor metal parts nor Sledgehammers...