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Author Topic: Faction vs. faction teamplay  (Read 1111 times)


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Faction vs. faction teamplay
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:49:09 pm »

 Hello wastelanders,
 my suggestion is about implementing new PvP team gameplay modification into 2238. One faction versus another only. The need new mod is results from following facts:

 1) TC system, even if it will works perfectly, could not satisfy combat PvP needs of small and medium equal factions
 2) Domination mod, as i heard, is distant future, no maps, no even real concept
 What i want to achieve?

 I want to implement mod which is simple, works on existing maps, 1 vs. 1 faction objective., allows players of each existing faction to join action with (long term) equal chance to succes and it should be entertaining of course.

 What i am suggesting?

1. Because of multiple bases per faction feature, faction and players dont need to create new factions. That means, that could be measurable kind of activity of every faction. If is faction active or not and how much faction is active (number of players, number of bases, logging per day, adding new chars, ... a lot of indicators showing faction activity). I suggest to measure long term activity value (bases, number of players) and short term activity (logging chars, adding new players).

 2. Active (long and short) factions would get faction quests. The idea is simple. Your faction would need to achieve some objective, another faction would need to prevent it. So quests would work with one par of factions, which are at the similar level (measured on long term activity = chars and bases) and which are active at the moment (short term activity). System should randomly pair factions to join this quest, your oponent would be random (but in the limits of your faction strenght (long term activity)).

 3. Quests:

 For start something very simple. Faction 1 has to protect NPC_A in redding and kill NPC_B in Broken Hills, Faction 2 has to protect NPC_B and kill NPC_A.

 or non purely PvP combat quests

 Faction A has to steal some stuff from NPC_A located in San Fran and take it to New Reno NPC_C, Faction B has to steal some stuff from NPC_B located in HUB and take it to New Reno. First will won.

 4. Rewards, conditions and other.

 Rewards are not extremely important, because part of a reward should be a stuff form your enemies. Also it does not matter, if your duel faction is an alliance member or a friend. You will have to temporary, for the quests reason, kill them. Also it does not matter, if quest objective is in city controled by your enemies. Of course, it would harden the conditions, but thats the point, new circumstances brings a new kind of gameplay.

5. Repetition

 I can imagine, that you can do this duel quest once per a hour. Dont forget, that sometimes factions could refuse it, so in reality, you would not play this every hour. This idea could improve gameplay also at real night or morning or noon hours, when is a minimum players on the server.

 6. Sideeffects

 Player and factions would be forced to leave theri caves and do something in cities.

 7. Background to the 2238 facts and history:

 It could be something like BOS needs to protect one scientist and kill BOS traitor and ENCLAVE wants oposite. It could be discussed later, at this moment it is not important, important is the gameplay first.

 8. Another conditions and details could be discussed here.

 If you like it or not, or if it could be implemented or not.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Faction vs. faction teamplay
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 10:06:59 pm »

I like the idea but those PvP scenarios should be played on closed locations to give equal chances to both teams. Maybe 1 faction could register their numbers and stuff tier and another faction willing to fight on their conditions will join.
Re: Faction vs. faction teamplay
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 12:58:08 am »

If it's possible to put something like this together, I think it'd really help with the "what to do in the latter stages of the game" (which likely currently contributes to boredom and newbie killing for 'lulz'). Some very nice ideas there.

I do think it could also do with a little something to encourage interaction with non-faction members when in cities (other than killing them) - though I must admit I cannot immediately think of a good example of this.
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