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Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?

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--- Quote from: Balthasar on March 28, 2013, 11:13:37 am ---To be honest, i don't like this sort of rather unfair PvP but i don't judge players for it. .

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pvp is not an honest activity. case closed.


--- Quote from: DeputyDope on March 28, 2013, 07:08:06 pm ---pvp is not an honest activity. case closed.
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--- Quote from: Balthasar on March 28, 2013, 11:13:37 am ---...but i don't judge players for it.
--- End quote ---

And...it wasn't even the point here btw.

Most meaningful names that come to mind:

-avv (though this one is more neutral nice than good nice)
-More random people from CoA

@APK rage discussion: APKs need high resistance/high HP builds while doing PVE stuff, since you usually don't shoot first you need enough HP/DR to super stim yourself next turn and go boom chaka laka boom on the evil PeeKays, random PVP such as the ones seen in random encounters or places like mariposa always resumes to who was using the better buid and who was using the mad max wannabe build, dying happens just as killing happens, get over it you people.


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