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What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?

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A concerned wastelander:
What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?

It seems to me its far too abusable, I mean, once a heavy handed punch you, its over unless you have a friend to save you, since he will be able to get back is action points while your on ground and punch you again in a never ending loop.

Maybe just set it so that you have a chance of knocking down your target (lets say 50%?), but not 100%.

If stonewall helps against every knockdown caused by heavy handed, then it's ok.

It is not 100%.

A concerned wastelander:
Maybe im wrong but by what i saw (maybe 20-30 punchs), it is 100%, and stonewall doesnt help.

Edit, doesnt help i meant.

What i think? I can finally stand up against some PKs while i do mining!

Even on 1 on 1 fights i'm not always the last man standing so quit your whining! You're good at fighting at range and i'm good at fighting point blank... Nothing's wrong with that


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