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a very big problem in NCR

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i do that but still .... I waste a lot of hours and that me do angry f*cking super tool kit!!!!!


--- Quote from: Fewer on February 21, 2010, 04:32:20 pm ---ok in encounter but in city? I lost about 20k caps and weapons etc. so everybody be carefully when u going to buy super tool kit because GM will not return you your stuff and this is sad
I all week crafted and sold stuff and now i must start again  :-X

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its not rly they dont want but its either its not possible to check what stuff you lost or if they would do it for one all would ask for giving back stuff they lost due to bug and it all would screem in their heads .... thats one of partial reasons why its beta - aka there are bugs and if you lose stuff due to one they take no responsability.

its goood idea no hold on yourself as much cash and gear as you must have at time ...like you could get killed by suicide bomber at any time too..

i think that you just had a weapon and got killed because of that :>


--- Quote from: gordulan on February 21, 2010, 04:20:21 pm ---yeah, the rangers burst nowadays, especially if you're in encounters, right in the way of a raider, they will burst you and take your stuff, they like to call it accidental fire when in fact they are becoming evil, slowly but surely.

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Tell me about it :D
I spawned in between them, and some raiders. The raiders were a bit far away, so they came closer, and i was just happening to be standing there. So a few came up to ME, and started yelling that "keep your distance" crap. Eventually they started shooting me aswell :( Talk about beeing in the wrong place at the wrong time

is it possible that you "touch" your weapon in your item is not tolerated?


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