If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
I think there should be some form of window reintroduced, so that X minutes per hour is all about protecting something from the other gangs, then the rest of the time is about guarding the town and making sure people can't do stuff.
I mean gain influence for people *doing* stuff in town. Mine, do quests, sell cows, whatever. If you just killed everyone you'd not get anything.
Yes the "do stuff and leave alive" feature is good. It could be extended to all sorts of activities.
You gain influence by occupying the town, pretty much the same rules for occupying a town as before (equipment, numbers, etc), which decreases the others' influence. - doesnt workIf people come in and mine and get to leave the map alive, you also gain influence. - doesnt work
That sounds great in theory, but there is one "tiny" detail - many important things you can buy with caps only.They are artificially made valuable, because you can't get bases, mercs, professions or some items without bags of bottle caps.And don't expect this to change.