Author Topic: Need help getting Karpov era 3D models to work with newer SDK revisions  (Read 11741 times)

Hello =)

Sorry, everything for me worked smoothly. Do you have some kind of firewall? Maybe try using "Run as Admin" if you are in Vista? Sounds weird. And i got a small tutorial how to get Karpov model in newest sdk! =)


Tested SDK version 372/374

1. _defines.fos -> Line 5 -> Uncomment -> #define PLAYERS_3D

2. Client_main.fos -> Replaced with Karpov Client_main.fos (only everything between Line from Karpovs file 1826="switch(armorPid)" to line 2497="#endif") (The lines to replace in SDK Client_main.fos are from 1807 to 2349) -> Removed line "case PID_MIRELURK_ARMOR:" (otherwise you will get error while starting server)

3. Copy current 3D client files from rapisody (or whatever is the name of that), everything from Trunk/Data folder into your mod client folder

4. Replaced Animations in Client\data\art\critters\_FOHuman.fo3d with the new system: Instead of "Anim A 1 %anim%_Idle.x Idle" -> "Anim Anim1Unarmed Anim2Idle %anim%_Idle.x Idle"
Here is my last lines in _FOHuman.fo3d (Use them if you want, just a warning that they are not completed)

5. Import and Export all animations (like male_Walk.X), export with settings: 24 FPS+Binary+Hierarchical Mesh+Matrix Keys (I used fragmotion 1.1.6 for this)

This thanks to tutorials from Luther Blissett and Karpov work =)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 07:35:05 pm by kttdestroyer »

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Could certainly be a firewall issue, yes. I'm using Zonealarm, which sometimes causes this kind of problem. I'll look at the settings again, or try temporarily disabling it. I'll try the rest of this stuff when I've next got a chunk of time.

If it all works out properly, we should try and find WHY the animations need importing/exporting - we've both found this works, but it doesn't really make much sense that an SDK update would make some .x files stop working. I wonder if it's something that can be changed server-side, or whether we actually have to import/export everything?

Aaah, ZoneAlarm... My friend had it, it pretty much made him unable to do anything i remember =) So i wouldint be suprised if it is that!

Well, i will look around server files a bit, but it might aswell be hardcoded. I guess it might be Cvet optimising performence and as only VB models are in his plans (i assume) he might optimise the game especially for those... Just guessing through :/

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Yes. ZA worked brilliantly for older programs - you let them connect to the internet, or not. Newer ones which connect to each other, or run sub-processes to do things just seem to confuse it :)

You might be right about the .x file / VB thing. If that is the case, it'd be useful if we could find out what the equivalent "tick box" would be in 3ds Max so Karpov can export newer animations straight into a newly working format (rather than needing to run everything through Fragmotion). I wonder if we can send Cvet two functionally identical Male_Walk.X files and ask "why does this one work and this one not?", or if there's any external utility which would give detailed analysis of the .x files (like what GSpot does for identifying video codecs).