FOnline Development > 3D Development

Need help getting Karpov era 3D models to work with newer SDK revisions

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Luther Blissett:
Originally mentioned in this topic, there were problems in getting the animation of 3D models to work in newer revisions of the SDK. Older snapshots worked fine (these have been used in tutorials and testing so far). However, obviously there would be benefit to getting this stuff to work in newer or newest revisions.

It was suggested to me that the turning point may be from these changes relating to the animation format in the fo3d, where the syntax for the animations was changed.

So lines which used to be :

--- Code: ---Anim A 1 %anim_file% %anim%_Def_Una_Idle_01
--- End code ---

Were changed to :

--- Code: ---Anim Anim1Unarmed Anim2Idle %anim_file% %anim%_Def_Una_Idle_01
--- End code ---

If you go to the bottom of the _FOHuman.fo3d, we're currently using the "older" syntax, i.e.

--- Code: ---# Unarmed
Anim A 1  %anim%_Idle.x Idle
Anim A 3  %anim%_Walk.x Walk
--- End code ---

In a newer SDK revision, I tried changing these to :

--- Code: ---Anim Anim1Unarmed Anim2Idle            %anim%_Idle.x Idle
Anim Anim1Unarmed Anim2Walk            %anim%_Walk.x Walk
--- End code ---

However, it makes no difference. In both cases, the model renders correctly, and the unarmed idle pose is correctly read (i.e. whatever you put in the first line is used correctly, arms down instead of T-pose). In both cases, no further animations are read (so he "slides about" instead of walking). The Van Buren human models move and animate correctly - but the only real difference I could spot was that their animations are retrieved from a single master %anim_file% rather than separate %anim%_Idle and %anim%_Walk etc.

Anyone got any ideas or thoughts, or been able to get the animations working in newer versions?

[edit, 23/01/2012] I retested this, and tested further things. The "new format" of animation commands seems to do nothing in fact (not even idle pose - I'm not sure if I was mistaken previously). I tried combining multiple animations into a single animation file, which also did nothing. It seems that the only line it will read is "Anim A 1  [filename] [animation name]". It doesn't seem to want to read any further animation lines.

[edit, 25/01/2012] I tried some extra things and this is now beginning to work. I'd tested several things at once and am not sure which is the key element - so once I've isolated exactly what this is, I'll post full info up here, with corrected files if necessary.

Luther Blissett:
I don't either... or I've got it working, but don't know why :P

What it currently looks like is :
1) Reformat the lines in animation as mentioned above
2) Import and reimport the x animations from Fragmotion, with the settings I was using for test rigging

Then to get the weapons to link :
3) Rename the weapon links from R_Handle_1 to R_handle_1 in the fo3d

This works - I've had a guy running around in game and animating properly. The problem is that I don't know WHY, or which of these steps are definitely necessary. The import/export thing I found whilst trying to combine the animations into a master animation file, which worked - so I tested with separated ones, which still worked. It seems very odd anyway. If I can work out exactly why it's doing this, I can explain something about it.

It would seem that something's changed to make the engine LESS accepting of file formats (which seems the opposite of what you'd expect), though what the specific difference is I don't know. Might be as simple as a tickbox somewhere. Also the case specific reference (Handle/handle) in the fo3d seems a little odd as well. The case specific element also related to the animation names within the .x file (i.e. run/Run needed to be written exactly).

Still a bit of a mystery to me to be honest, and there's probably something really simple that I'm missing somewhere :(

Hi :)

Luther, could you please post links to files you are mentioning? (Import and reimport the x animations from Fragmotion, with the settings I was using for test rigging)

I have followed your guide how to make it work and i got this:

"The Flying Ninja 3064 Mod"  ;D

However, i didint import and reimport animations from fragmotion, as i am not sure where to look :)

Okey, i found your files. I tried a bit more, but all i get is this:

Any ideas?


Okey, small advancement:

I disabled the effects in _FOHuman.fo3d

But, its till not animating, only floating around... It seems that engine doesint find the animation?

Luther Blissett:
If you use one of the older SDK revisions, it'll all work anyway (so the "setting up a 3D SDK" tutorial thing should be fine as is). But yeah, as you've noticed with newer ones there are seemingly problems with the animations not being recognised. I've had exactly the same issues as you're having. I'm still not 100% on a proper solution to be honest.

Anyway, here's a handful of the files I was playing with. Can't guarantee they're all doing what they're meant to, as it's a right mess to be honest (the folder looks like a madman's workshop) but you should be able to copy a few bits over from these and see if you can get stuff working :
A few animation test bits (about 500kb)
Image of export settings I was using in fragmotion
Should include a particularly messy fohuman.fo3d and some of the .x files for walk, run, idle and a couple of others. If you drop those over your existing walk and run etc, then copy and paste a handful of lines from the fo3d (animation stuff is all at the bottom), you might be able to get something working. Note that the fo3d is certainly not finished, so probably won't go much beyond walking and running - but if you understand the syntax etc, you can probably finish it off yourself.

Hopefully you can make some sense of all that :)


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