Author Topic: NastyKhan's armory  (Read 16064 times)

Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2012, 04:50:16 pm »
I don't think double post matters if previous post was days ago. Especially since there is no way to delete your own post and make a new with the updated infos. And a simple edit won't change the date so people wouldn't see if there is something new just only if they check the thread.
Anyway on the Mutant mercenary, I wouldn't give him helmet and goggles, he looks better without them. On his clothing the "Fuck Vault City" may be not so good on the jacket though it fits since those guys hate mutants however the mercenaries could travel with the player to Vault City with the player. I like the outfit though but it shouldn't be for mercenaries I could more likely imagine them as some not so happy residents of Brokken Hills.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2012, 07:40:25 pm »
Maybe you're right about the pilot hat actually. I must think that over. The goggles however don't look so bad in my opinion. They somehow resembles shades ;).
I was thinking of some kind of bandanna, cowboy hat or baseball hat but.. those didn't work as well.

About the sign. Well that's the point! :) Those mutants feel so though and bad-ass that they don't give a damn about pissing of the others. In fact they could wear "F*** NCR" jacket, go directly to Shady Sands, look into some cop's eyes, and say "whatya starin' at, punk?" and they will still be ok with that.

How about my nightkin?

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~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2012, 07:46:30 pm »
If you leave the "Fuck Vault City" text on a different layer, it (and other designs) can easily be added to different textures. Note that the Van Buren models did have a separate "logo on the back" layer which we've currently not tried to implement. I'm not totally sure how we'd put it in without adding a separate bone on the back of the armour to link them to (so it would work on armours of different sizes). Otherwise these are all looking good. Would be useful to be able to check the models and textures, as I fear some of them have gone over the subsets lines in places.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2012, 08:55:43 pm »
I fear some of them have gone over the subsets lines in places.

Might be. I'll do some corrections first and finish remaining armor sets (3-4 left). Once done i'll upload everything here for further tests.

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~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2012, 10:25:53 pm »
Excellent. I noted when I tested Jotisz's mutant rigged model that the subset materials didn't seem to be there (could be an import/export thing), but they should be fairly easy to set up - this would allow us to easily take the coat off one model, the trousers off another, the skin tone off another etc as with the base human.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2012, 12:11:57 pm »
First - please note that i'm using a model named "Jotisz's supermutant model with NastyKhan's face fixes"
Second - yes, all items marked on my list as "extra models" are.. well.. extra models. So they can be easy disabled (removed) with one click. The textures however are solid and can't be separated so easy. That would require more work.

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2012, 02:12:28 pm »
Say hello to Supermutant nobleman :) (1st post)

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's armory
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2012, 10:11:48 pm »
Supermutant grunt updated. (more detailed textures)

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.