Other > Closed suggestions
Crafting, economy and anti-alting
-Geathering cooldown stays same however you can geather till total timeout is 20-30 mins. But you can only geather from one resource once and then it needs it to regenerate - the time is equal to timeout given by that resource node - this is to promote active play. And prevent camping resources in bases towns etc.(as for junk -increase the timeout that it gives to player , planty of junk can be gained by disassembling to begin with)
-Geathering doesnt require stats (those can be alternative) but doing a specific quest for given resource. Usage of specific item to geather is still needed ofc. *maybe those without needed skill needs to have specific book in inventory or his timer will just be bigger then those that do)
Crafting itself:
-Crafting doesnt give experience anymore.
-Experience for non combat skill usage like repair dissassemble FA should be either removed or rebalanced (dising should give science timeout).
New crafted items are worth alot to vendors - about 5 times that of item looted and they detteriorates slower. (FIX CAVES!!)
Crafting timeouts reduced to 1/3 time ?
- Every character can have proffesion of 3 lvs max as of now , however there is level requirement to learn them : lv1 can be learned at 3 rd lv ... lv2 at 9th and level 3 at 15th.
- Player can unlearn proffession (all he had at once) but before he can learn a new he will need to wait 3 real days for every level of proffession he had).
- Proffessions can be learned regardless of SPECIAL (forcing pleayers to eat drugs where broken to begin with) instead player must pay 50% extra for every stat he is missing toward old requirement as teacher must spend more time to learn him.
- Additionaly player must provide materials for his training equal to 1h 3h and 10h of geathering time for according proffession level.
- Proffession can be learned with more lucrative stat level (120 repair for armorer lets say , 120 FA 80 doc for doctor 3). However having better stats then needed will reduce the timeout by using the skill/crafting.
the aim is to make most porffessions avaible to given player - so if one finds there is lack of given proffession he can change to it. Alternativly proffessions could have no stat requirement but instead the perk you get for having proffession would increase the assosiated skills (by 15 35 and 45 for example) but then that would interfere with skill cost when spending points .... if it would be possible to avoid that then this is nice idea instead of the following...
- Having proffession give player a perk that helps him in the associated skills ; Doctor3 will alwayes heal for max and heal all limbs (this used instead of luck factor), SG3 / BG3 /EW3 will will be able to repair their weapons to 0 deterrioration. Armorer3 can repair their armor to 0 det.(yess you guess right if you dont have proffession you can repair the weapon to max of 30% deterrioration) Keep in mind however that repair skill level still should plays it role to determine the success chance - (but somewhat easier it should be to repair now)
High tech crafts ;
-All those should requires specialised workbench - Armorer , big gunner etc... (not all tier 3 items need it just those the most expensive / popular).
To have access to such workbench one needs a good standing with faction that owns one - its oposite to be member of faction , we want one to be able to have player faction and be able to craft those items..
so i would imagine this to be like this:
To have access to such workbench you need +1000 reputation.
the reputation decays as it is 100/ day
you can do a repeatable (8h timeout or so) quest ot gain 200 reputation with given faction (it should require donating items / killing something / going to some given place - on random)
when a player is member of that faction his reputation wont decay under 500 (even when member he still needs to have 1000 rep to access the workbench.).
This i would call being "Friend of faction" as such player doesnt drop in reputation with other cities but the most hated one.
Finall stage of anti-alt-system would make crafting timeouts drop faster for players being online & active - how to achive this - i have no idea :S
(maybe player is considered active if he takes unique action to those in last 2 mins - or smth..
There is need to encourage player to player trading that can be compleate strangers - ATM its hella risky to trade those super expensive items - one can be stolen from or blown out - im not sure if its within engine /server power to add AH but maybe its possible to create area where no combat / special action can happen but trade ? dunno ...
So, you can gather as quickly as you like until you hit the timeout, then switch to an alt and do the same. Then you can craft at 3 times the current speed. Then your timeouts go faster still when you are online.
There would be just a massive flood of crafted items.
--- Quote from: Solar on February 21, 2010, 12:20:41 pm ---So, you can gather as quickly as you like until you hit the timeout, then switch to an alt and do the same. Then you can craft at 3 times the current speed. Then your timeouts go faster still when you are online.
There would be just a massive flood of crafted items.
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and is it better as it is ? bots running and super passive play ? geather / buy mats craft on one character relog to another craft and so on as much as you will ?
with only minority of pleayers using their mains to geather /craft?
you can rise the logout timeout to 20 mins and keep the geathering timoe out at 20 mins its also an option ....
and i dont think that flood of crafted tiems is really worse then flood of items from caves .... (keep in mind that crafting still have timouts and give no exp - so having crafter alt would not be such a easy thing...)
hack ! you can make it so the timeout you get for geatherign is based on player level ..so lets say geathering ore on 1 lv char would result in 10 min timeout and on 20 lv it would be something around 3-4mins . (and set the total timeout to 15)
there is alwayes a solution if you look for one - the only question is if its within engine power...
Quentin Lang:
--- Quote ----Crafting doesnt give experience anymore.
-Experience for non combat skill usage like repair dissassemble FA should be either removed or rebalanced (dising should give science timeout).
--- End quote ---
These three lines are the fucking worst suggestion ive seen on this subforum for a month or so, and im talking quite serious here. This way crafters would be stuck with sucky combat skills on <lvl12 forever, getting lvl 21 would take more than two 80 in WoW. Doctor characters would be purely killed. They would have COMPLETLY NO WAY to get xp.
--- Quote from: Attero on February 21, 2010, 12:29:24 pm ---and is it better as it is ? bots running and super passive play ? geather / buy mats craft on one character relog to another craft and so on as much as you will ?
with only minority of pleayers using their mains to geather /craft?
you can rise the logout timeout to 20 mins and keep the geathering timoe out at 20 mins its also an option ....
and i dont think that flood of crafted tiems is really worse then flood of items from caves .... (keep in mind that crafting still have timouts and give no exp - so having crafter alt would not be such a easy thing...)
hack ! you can make it so the timeout you get for geatherign is based on player level ..so lets say geathering ore on 1 lv char would result in 10 min timeout and on 20 lv it would be something around 3-4mins . (and set the total timeout to 15)
there is alwayes a solution if you look for one - the only question is if its within engine power...
--- End quote ---
Level isn't a problem. So it'll again better for all, except for newly players... All you suggestion will make what you want to make better to even worse.
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