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Gun Runners reputation

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I see its pain in the ass to craft there, but as they say its online game its not single player,

for mariphosa, all you need is one guy which will wait for you at enterence and notifie you if someone is comming, if yes just hide somewhere in mariphosa its qute a lot of space to hide
I am crafting there alone all the time i was never pk-ed, its ultra easy, i meat some crafter chit-cahted with them, i feel sorry for guys doing delevery quest

How do you get a run quest? At HUB I sined up to run a creat or job to Junk Town, nobody at entrince caravans would respound thou, do you need to be a higher level for these runs?

PS; Dec, 11, 2012
Do you need CH3 to get gunrunners run quest to SF ?

Caravan runs aren't in the game yet.


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