Other > Closed suggestions

FOnline Pre moderated chat suggestion.

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Who Killed Bambi:
Simple pre-moderation request, for example map is 40x40 hex, moderators/game masters can broke 40x40 grid to 5x5 grids or 10x10 and moderate messaging by read chat and left click (prove) right click (dissaprove) or something like this.
I think it can make game more soft and clean.
Also moderation not just in town but simple encounters and map ( for exapmle TB trap or Tent follower or simple meeting at map in encounter can end by violent language ).
System like this or nearby this was used in MMORPG Lego Universe, which one is, sadly, closed now.

Reason is players often or not so often insult each other or talking nonsence and spam.

No way in the world that I (and I am pretty sure the other GMs think this way aswell) will read and approve all this stuff that is written ingame and click click click, don't even mentioning that most of the times I read what players ingame chat about is very depressing. This may be a noble suggestion but I am sure there are more elegant ways to do that.


--- Quote from: Who Killed Bambi on January 16, 2012, 07:57:19 pm ---MMORPG Lego Universe, which one is, sadly, closed now.

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Haha, no.

No... no no no....................... no. 

Whole game (1-2) has tons of dirty-mouths, and no matter how much orbits you shove in there it ain't gonna clean it so fuck no dirty-mouthness is a big part of the Fallout style.

Who Killed Bambi:

--- Quote from: Surf on January 16, 2012, 08:06:45 pm ---No way in the world that I (and I am pretty sure the other GMs think this way aswell) will read and approve all this stuff that is written ingame and click click click, don't even mentioning that most of the times I read what players ingame chat about is very depressing. This may be a noble suggestion but I am sure there are more elegant ways to do that.

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As i can imagine in Lego Universe was alot moderators that passed good way to doo that job. And i a m sure that there is alot noble players, just not sure about theyr time which can allow at least moderate spam or noisy messages or at least chat in towns. It can be possible but need time resouce as i say before.

Maybe some pre-written violent words can change chat abit if not pre moderation.

Who Killed Bambi:

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on January 16, 2012, 08:08:19 pm ---Haha, no.

No... no no no....................... no. 

Whole game (1-2) has tons of dirty-mouths, and no matter how much orbits you shove in there it ain't gonna clean it so fuck no dirty-mouthness is a big part of the Fallout style.

--- End quote ---

What you mean by *no* ? :D They announced that they going OFF at 2012.


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