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Author Topic: 1end issue.  (Read 1637 times)

1end issue.
« on: January 15, 2012, 09:47:40 pm »

Since i am playing an 1 end character suffering the no hp raising bug after level up,i wanted to know if,after fixing,my char will magically have the hp it deserves,or if the fix will not be retroactive (whic means my char is fucked up and i need rebuilding...)...

That,ofc,if it isn t intended to have 60 hp at 24,and i don t think devs wanted the game SO unfair.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


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Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 09:53:21 pm »

It probably won't be retroactive, past bugs that affected skill points were not either. (But this isn't 100% sure knowledge, just based off of previous bugs)
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 10:00:45 pm »

It probably won't be retroactive, past bugs that affected skill points were not either. (But this isn't 100% sure knowledge, just based off of previous bugs)

It is more than enough to start raging *fuuu*

Well,i'll wait until something official is said about it.I think that GM's would turn a guy to his right HP,if asked to.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


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Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 12:56:53 am »

Are you sure its a bug?  With the starting hp raised, I would think that you shouldn't gain any.  Or .5hp per level or something.  I have a 2 EN guy, and he gains 1 per level.  That seems like it'll be about right at the end.

EDIT:  Really, for hp gain, 1 EN is equal to 0 EN.  So that sounds right.  having 1 over 0 just gives you the extra beginning hp.  And I know you can't have 0 EN, but that's how the math works.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 12:58:57 am by TheGreenHand »


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Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2012, 02:05:24 am »

Roaming the waste again.
Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 02:40:55 am »

And i think that with 1EN your char would be fucked up at lvl 24 anyway... sirsly... wind will kill you with a leaf, rat with its breath or locker will chop your head of if you put it in to check what's inside...
Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 05:14:48 am »

And i think that with 1EN your char would be fucked up at lvl 24 anyway... sirsly... wind will kill you with a leaf, rat with its breath or locker will chop your head of if you put it in to check what's inside...

Not really,at lvl 9 it owns almost every encounter,and can flee easily from hard ones.Never lost a fight against a player,yet.It would have been based on keeping much distance from the target,sniping with cheap long range distance wpn and being able to get cover quickly with bonus move,and always  getting priority-
Also,no need for drugs,no need for armor..extremely fast deploying after death...It was thought to fight turn base in san fran.If a cheap sniper like this one seems too little,imagine a couple of them camping the squares near san fran with radios,and other 2 staying outside ready to deploy.I guess it would have worked fine and almost free-but it s useless chit chatting now,argument invalid. ::)

Thank you for saving myself useless efforts.

Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: 1end issue.
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 09:14:21 am »

I have used 1 END characters in all wipes.

62 HP at Lv21.

Now with 1 END I get that at Lv 1.

Nothing new to me- I'm just stronger than I used to be at lower level, and the same higher up.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
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