Other > Faction Announcements

The Lost Children Need Your Help

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The Lost Children:
Hello wastelanders, this is Lost Soul speaking to you in a time of hardships.

Our benevolent faction is struggling to make the caps necessary to begin our good deeds.  If you can find it in your heart to help us, help you, please find a Lost Child near you, and donate as many caps as you possibly can.

Our account is only at a measly 1,375 caps, of our needed 10,000.

We hope the wasteland can help us now, so later it will be us helping you.

Take care wastelanders.

I would be happy to help you, hook me up on irc and lets hit the road.

I can collect some random stuff at encounters for you that you can sell em.
Just meet me at NCR anytime.

Drop by our irc channel later and we will help you out.

Invitation to baserapers....how are you feeling runboy93? :D


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