Other > Closed suggestions

Sneak suggestions

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Lil Jesus:
i thank god for sneaking being nerfed, if it would be added back, more whiners would come to tell you to nerf it. :) and in my opinion i think sneaking was only destroying game... i remember guy with MINIGUN ran few hexes infront of me, appeared after shooting burst into me, i doubt thats umm... cool.

Lil Jesus thank you for spamming. Read what I and Nice_Boat wrote above.

--- Quote --- Second, talking about long range fighters... Some seriously big penalty to sneak while using/holding biggun would suit the situation and furthermore would prevent from making sneaking overpowered as it was before.

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--- Quote ---c) moving when sneaked costs 1 ap/hex; can't move if at 0 ap - silent run would allow you to make quick, short leaps but in general you wouldn't be able to move around too much
f) using skills, items and attacks unsneaks you
--- End quote ---

That would prevent bigguners from using sneak.
And yea also again. Read before you post.

Maybe instead of totally remaking sneak mechanic it is better to implement some additional items for sneak-using characters?
What i mean is stealth-boy from fallout 1. Of course in FO it should be different from the F1 one. Here are some thoughts how can it work in game

The main feature of stealth-boy:
-it eliminates the penalty on sneak skill caused by the direction of opponent.

The negative sides of using stealth-boy:
- only "one handed" weapon is allowed to use while holding the device in other hand.
- while working,  stealth-boy consumes a good amount of "fuel" (small energy cells or even micro fusion cells)
- the device isnt easy to get (maybe only some traders in npc driven factions should be able to sell it, and price should be high enough)

Such a device will be useful for spies and thieves while high price, need for fuel, penalty for using big guns and rifles will guarantee
(i hope) what we will not face the situation when hordes of bluesuit with hunting rifles seat in ambush for eternity, waiting for somebody to enter the town.


--- Quote from: UbiValkin on February 20, 2010, 04:30:26 pm ---Sneak:
Make different fomulas for mobs and players. The same formula to sneak up to player as now, but easier for critters. I mean, you don't need 300% sneak to get to harmless gecko, who will see you in 3 hexes anyway. Make no min. range for critters and a bit easier formula, so with 150% sneak you can sneak up from the back to most low leveled critters.

--- End quote ---

no, now they will sit with .223 pistols near the exit grid and ghost all incoming people.


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