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Author Topic: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement  (Read 3657 times)

Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2011, 06:55:26 pm »

Hm I don't remember saying:
In town locations, this could be avoided by choosing exact enter hex, via preview (of course only edge hexes). But this sandbags feature, still gonna sucks any random encounter.

Btw I'm unsure if its possible to restrict sandbags only for TC towns since we can already move the boxes from the box lifting quest to other places. I don't think it would be possible to make them disappear if someone drops them on a random encounter but have them remain if they drop it on a TC town.


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Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 11:26:01 pm »

I think that more easy, easier than adding some hexes to existing maps, is to set NPCs behaviour. NPCs in non TC locations could take (or disasemble) sand boxes on ground. Very similar script to script that is realized when anybody is killed in non TC locations, and NPCs loots that body. This could solve it.
 Players would be still able to put sandbags anywhere, but they will need to eliminate NPCs first.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2011, 02:48:33 pm »

Well as I previously said I just simply don't like the sandbag idea. My dislike isn't really connected to the possible abuse it can be used however these add up to my dislike.
So those sandbags could possible be moved to other places and there are some without npcs and preview see Gecko mine for example what would stop someone to barricade the exit grids bring his pals and kill off those who coming maybe even barricade spawn areas too so everyone appears in front of the barrels. Same could be done to any place that doesn't have preview system.
Also we can say that it should go in the rules that this action is not allowed however grid camping with mercs isn't allowed either but it can happen same like with bringing in a dual logged merc leader. Anything thats possible to do has a high chance that will happen even if it brings banning people would just use new low level chars for that purpose.


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Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2011, 10:57:03 pm »

Easy, very easy: add restriction to 'em.
You cannot close passage with them (eliminated in TC)
They must stay within a certain number of squares after Spawn Point
There must be a passage beetween one and another (maybe, eliminated in TC)
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Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2011, 02:14:12 pm »

Sandbags and mines should be a big part of domination - perhaps we could add sandbags to TC too.

Hopefully some day they will give you a fixed AC when you stand behind them so they are actually used like sandbags.
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Re: Few suggestions that are not hard to implement
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2011, 04:28:48 am »

sandbags are a great idea, also i think necropolis as a tc town would be cool. Also the warehouse/follower's of the apocalypse area(northwest of boneyard) mariposa/golgotha/ghost farm/themepark/ could all have sweet quests or "dungeons" with varying level's of loot. These areas would be cool for pvp as well i.m.o.

Also another suggestion is for BB's weight. there's absolutely no reason why they should weigh as much as they do and caps weigh nothing. think about it 20000 bb's compared to 20000 bottlecaps. i think a container of 5000 bb's weighs about 2-3 lbs in real life. its really lame for new players to the game too im sure who use them to get xp/ and sell them for caps.

Also i would reallly like to see charisma requirements for trading to be eliminated. Reducing the need for barter alt+ gang base or a shared tent with an alt of your own. That you can only do by having a friend play your character or dual logging a character. 

Relog timer needs to be reworked to where its only activated by a player killing a player. It's really annoying as a player with 10 alts to try and keep track of certain of things when i am busy and can't play for a few days or week and can't find where anything is and i sit for an hour logging/relogging checking locations with 10 characters.....but that being said the timer is necessary to prevent PVP rape i.e. logging to merc leader waiting on WM with RL' mercs after dying in mine or something....

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