Other > Closed suggestions

Slavery - failure


I just read that on wiki:

--- Quote ---To enslave, you will need :

    * Charisma : At least 5
--- End quote ---

Seriously, what the hell? It used to be at least 3. I want to be a slaver not a babysitter.

Don't believe everything you find on wiki.

Depanding on charisma you can lead/catch:

3 CH = 1 NPC

5 CH = 2 NPC

7 CH = 3 NPC

9 CH = 4 NPC

Magnetic personality +1  --> max 5 slaves.

Be advised, with 5 slaves following you encouters will be much bigger, making it much easier to die / loose slaves unfortunatelly.

If you find something on wiki that is wrong, no need to create a special topic for that or to shout "WTF !?" everywhere ;). Send me a PM or catch me on IRC and I'll correct.

Wiki updated.

Topic locked.


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