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[Spoilers] Support perks locations
--- Quote from: Lon Chaney on February 17, 2012, 06:32:59 pm ---Search wiki for "blueprints." But FYI, it's just anything that you used to be able to craft on those profs pre-wipe, that don't show in fixboy immediately when taking both prof levels.
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So can blueprints only be found in chest in random encounters?
Are there minimum Charisma requirements to talk to the support perk givers, just like when interacting with other NPC's and quest givers?
--- Quote from: Matej on February 21, 2012, 03:22:13 am ---Are there minimum Charisma requirements to talk to the support perk givers, as with quest givers?
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some have charisama requirements. you can talk to all of them with 3 ch.
Great to know. Thank you.
Where is the picture with the dialog choices for Ranger perk that JovankaB made? Or someone could please tell me what dialogs to choose.
Ok so sequence is 1 1 2 1 2 and when it ask you to spit choose spit.
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