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[Spoilers] Support perks locations

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--- Quote from: Geras on January 27, 2012, 10:05:50 pm ---Page 7 of this fine thread, Lagmaster elaborate post with spoilers, mate.

--- End quote ---
Finaly, someone saw my work

but to lazy to update it, so mods, can you please update it for me?

Don't know if anyone else has noticed but for a few of the support perks there is a hidden Charisma requirement before you can talk to the required people.

I can't access with 1 charisma - Faster healing,


--- Quote from: ThePhoenix77 on January 31, 2012, 12:19:03 pm ---2 perks I can't access with 1 charisma - Dead man walking, Faster healing,

--- End quote ---

I got dead man walking on a 1 cha guy... need 50 doc as well thou.

My mistake already got Dead man walking, can't get faster healing.

if anyone can please give me a clear definition of where to find scout,explorer and any other ones i have not seen or missed please post so i can update.


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