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[Spoilers] Support perks locations

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Level 10 requirement is gone. But you don't need to make alts for it. In fact, if you make alts, you probably won't find it out any faster... more like, slower.

Does someone know what quest we need in order to unlock explorer?

After the initial conversation (running through all options), re-initiate conversation.

I saw an option then, which was "You seem to come around here a lot" or something like that.

Then these happen:

I have 125 Speech/CHA 10, Good Natured, MagPers... don't know if that helped.

I wonder if age is read in as a variable. Monocle is a bit old.

Was wearing leather jacket.

Had all the Outdoors Perks, stepped on almost every grid square on WM- there might have been a few corner peices bt the ocean that are really tiny that I missed, also entered every named area except Glow and Raiders.
Been to all rail stations.

Age can be used as a variable, but I doubt it is for this.


--- Quote from: EnclaveSniper on January 22, 2012, 08:54:09 am ---Age can be used as a variable, but I doubt it is for this.

--- End quote ---

So all I really know is that I have OD 150 and I got Explorer after selecting certain dialog.

I did so many other things that I can't isolate a "non-generic requirement".


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