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[Spoilers] Support perks locations

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--- Quote from: runboy93 on January 18, 2012, 07:51:58 pm ---Scoutbook.. useless item ;)

--- End quote ---

well i needed it for one quest so I guess it's not useless 

I made a mistake. Thief perks are in hubs oldtown not in warehouse. Im sorry.

Al Capwn:
Explorer is obtained from Mantis, the ghoul in ncr trainstation.

This guy

Do I need to do some kind of quest to get explorer?? I have 150 ourdoorsman but Mantis wont talk about that perk  :-\

Same here, I already talked to this ghoul in the past, maybe it has something to do with it?
In some time I was at ncr train station i saw few chars that succed to take it and few that fail, so there must be some issue with it. I tried all possible dialog options few times, I even left location and came back with caps, still nothing.


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