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Author Topic: Expanded NOOB GUIDE v1.2: Up to date playing guide for starters / new players  (Read 23432 times)

I'm not into wasting luck and my build has been the same since day 1 of this age. so if people want a battle tested build from a pvp tb player with around 3 years exp they can use mine and tweak it for there own use. If not that's fine I didn't come here to argue about it only to offer a bit of advice. My build is just a PVP build with the ability to farm not a farming build.

You posted a straight up farming build so I don't think the 2 builds are even comparable. I do know that if someone uses your build to pvp they won't make it past the first trap because of thier outdoors, and then they will die horribly before even getting a turn because of thier sequence.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 11:57:40 pm by Crovax »
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I think there are many viable farming builds.
Just one with the usual perks, M60, CAMKII & at least 4 luck, quick recovery and super stimpacks works easiest i think.
You can basically live indefinitely by just using stimpacks without worrying too much about bypass (resulting from low luck) and being knockdown for 2 rounds (without quick recovery), and worst of all being knockdown for 2 rounds while suffering bypasses can mean you don't get a chance to use super stims and you die loosing your gear. :(

Some extra advice for new players; and I wish someone told me earlier when i first started playing. You don't need 'bonus ranged damage' line of perks for M60 (this frees up perk slots which is nice). M60 is also easily craftable. And a big gunner is easy to level up with big flamer (easily craftable), on molerats/mutated molerats and once hitting level 9 (or there abouts), Centaurs vs Aliens vs Floater encounters.

I also think in this game it is better to make builds that specialise in one task i.e. either a pure pvp ape (with drugs) or a pure farmer. Making a pvp'er that can farm means he will be weaker at both tasks not making things impossible but definitely making things harder. In this scenario I'd rather make two builds 1. Farmer & 2. PvP ape (with drugs). But i guess this is personal choice- to each his own.

its not bad build, he will be tough enough to solo even BOS, but as any other build it has flaws.
-Low carry weight will demote all joy from solo farming since you ll have to dual log to carry out your loot.
-Since i assume we are talking about TB builds, this build will have disabled ablity to 1-hex-double-burst in most cases, which will be very inefficient especialy for BOS and NCRA(Bonus Move is that perk which makes you realy agile in TB)
-Farming with drug build but without Chem reliant will decrease enjoyment aswell, even if its just nuka and cigs.

Also this build got some Pro, but i considered it as not important (thats also reason why i neglected it for my build)
-High outdoorsman will(might) help you, but it will be not singificant boost, here you spent 4 additional special points, but you can substitute High outdoorsman with a tent and a car. (Especialy for farming BOS and NCRA)
True low carry weight mean i always dual log another char to carry of rest of the loot (but to me in doesn't diminish the fun). I have two windows open and the second char also has M60 so that in rare instance if my primary farmer dies he can get gear back :P

Now that I think about it, if i had to redo i would take 'Bonus Move' instead of adrenaline Rush. The extra x2 AP mean i could get chance move while still being able to double burst from 1hex. I think 'bonus move' more practical than 'adrenaline rush' when it comes to farming. I would change this definitely if I was to remake.

The high OD means you can take some extra support perks. Also noobs will not have access to cars. And as I said you wont be forced into Bos vs Bos initiative encounters. Later you can still use cars, and you can use tents. It just means you won be loosing you gear every time you get forced into such encounter.

I don't use cig's as i find not needed for farming. The Nuka's are easy to steal from SF citizens so not a big deal having no chem reliant for just one drug. I usually carry x2 nukas at a time and one Nuka-Cola still lasts a while. That is enough, and I just re-equip in tent which is always close by farming areas.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:30:53 am by AdolphbinStalin »

it's a crazy idea but how about a ingame recommend class selection option. or if that's to hard a wiki recomended builds.
just click one and new players can get a decent build. Because now new players have to play game, found out hard way their build is wrong, ask on forum, wait, read reply, and start over. That's a lot of steps and each additional step can make new players leave.

burster pve
burster pvp


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Well... not really. There are two things against the idea I came up with:

1. Encouraging people to use templates would prevent people from experimenting with various builds. And experiments, even failed ones (especially them I guess) improve our overall knowledge of game mechanics.
2. Whats wrong with asking on Forum? Or discussing builds while idling in NCR? It improves in-game relation. For many of us noobish build questions asked under "Game Help" section were the first posts we wrote.

And after all - there are no perfect builds. Each type of character can be created differently. You can have a BG char with 285 or 195 hp, take all lifegivers or anti crit perks, go for dual burst or maximum BRD and so on. I know that what I wrote is obvious but my point is - which of this build should be a default BG? Who decides? Universal one sucks anyway.

Well... not really. There are two things against the idea I came up with:

1. Encouraging people to use templates would prevent people from experimenting with various builds. And experiments, even failed ones (especially them I guess) improve our overall knowledge of game mechanics.
2. Whats wrong with asking on Forum? Or discussing builds while idling in NCR? It improves in-game relation. For many of us noobish build questions asked under "Game Help" section were the first posts we wrote.

And after all - there are no perfect builds. Each type of character can be created differently. You can have a BG char with 285 or 195 hp, take all lifegivers or anti crit perks, go for dual burst or maximum BRD and so on. I know that what I wrote is obvious but my point is - which of this build should be a default BG? Who decides? Universal one sucks anyway.

hmm you have solid points..
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