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Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
lol T888 the one day u say so and the other day so and i dont think that a 137 sniper build is a wannabe sniper build , have u ever played as sniper ? do u make sniper builds with 1 luck or what or with 1 PE LOL ::)
Say what ? One opinion can have many angles. I haven't played with sniper this season ? I think it's time for your to stop typing :)
Hects Hakal:
T888 you started it whit the sniper so why should quit typing? You should be silent since you said that you didnt played sniper this season-so how do you know that that hp is bad?
I think you didn't notice the question mark when you read that. About typing , it's just a figure of speech pointing out that he shouldn't even ask such ridiculous questions , if you really want to know i have played with sniper the most of my builds , to be precise with gauss. Furthermore explaining 137 HP wannabe sniper build , their just too fragile thus make excellent targets for sneakers before the fight even starts. Geeez , learn to read and comprehend. ;D
yeah if u use a gauss maybe u are right but normal wastelander use a sniper on a sniperbuild and 14 ap with 137 hp isnt bad . but u are the GOAT i know , i know . just go on for farming gausses good luck .
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