Other > Winter 2011/2012

Resource gathering

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Ok so I hear that instead of gathering cooldown there will be limited resources to gather and then you'll have to wait for them to renew.  Any further input on this?  Like how bad is it? Are HQ areas going to be camped by BA guys so their buds can gather all of it leaving those not in a giant faction to never gather HQ?

How can we know such information ?  ::)


--- Quote from: Sarakin on January 04, 2012, 08:37:27 pm ---How can we know such information ?  ::)

--- End quote ---
I'm assuming that CBT isn't run by bots....

Well overall, the system which is now, already fixed by cutting cooldowns by half is great for me , and for loners, they can make bunch of ammo and decend weapon in one trip - not 10 times going to mine, Also getting ANY material shouldnt be hard, its just game not real life, and crafting is only to make things to use them in other way not to "keel enemies to get materials", Also crafting is boring - and it cannot be changed by dungeongs to get any resource, or wait for ANOTHER respawn of minerals etc.
It should stay as it is now, because its good enough - Did we hear big whines about crafting/getting resources? I think not so, because the "temporary" change - changed much for us.

I can just agree with new crafting propositions (blueprints) and I think its great not to make another 3 lvl alt to make equipment but one good character which can handle for example making Big Guns, shoot from them and also make armors.


--- Quote from: Shonsu on January 04, 2012, 08:26:15 pm ---Ok so I hear that instead of gathering cooldown there will be limited resources to gather and then you'll have to wait for them to renew.  Any further input on this?  Like how bad is it? Are HQ areas going to be camped by BA guys so their buds can gather all of it leaving those not in a giant faction to never gather HQ?

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Look here:


...and go figure it up since nobody corrected me on this xD (Dang i hope i'm wrong on this one!)


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