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Happy New Year!
sr for replying at 01:50, but i was at a party
happy new year!
An nou Fericit!!!!!
Alles Gute und so. Draußen lichtet sich langsam der Nebel des Krieges, aber die Gerauesche der Haubitzen, Sturmgewehre und Granaten sind immernoch zu hoeren waehrend sie den Nachthimmel erhellen.
Happy New Year! Outside the fog of war slowly fades while I can still hear the faint noises of Howitzers, Assault rifles barking and grenades lighting up the night sky.
Hope your new year will be good! :)
You bet!
С Новым годом. Oh, and Happy New Year and Frohes Neujahr everyone.
happy new year slackers (and you - players, who do all the hard work in this game)
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