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Author Topic: .223 question  (Read 1977 times)

.223 question
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:47:00 pm »

Hello wastelanders...i managed to drag in game my GF and she found it very appealing,immediatly falling in love with .223 pistols.Thus i am asking,anyone knows if one hander is able to compensate 3str malus?(as everyone knows,5 str is needed to proper handling).
Thanks in anticipation.Also,some no drug based interesting build would be appreciated if posted.
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Re: .223 question
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2011, 01:52:49 pm »

Meh.. next time I maybe 'should' read before posting..
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 02:03:48 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: .223 question
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2011, 01:56:54 pm »

Thus i am asking,anyone knows if one hander is able to compensate 3str malus?

Each missing point of strength required to wield any given weapon properly deducts 20% from your chance to hit. One Hander gives you a 20% chance-to-hit bonus. Therefore, no.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 02:17:58 pm by Stration »

Re: .223 question
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2011, 02:00:20 pm »

Each missing point of strength required to wield any given weapon properly deducts 20% from your chance to hit. One Hander gives you 20% chance-to-hit bonus. Therefore, no.

Then i ill deduct only one point from 5 str.Thank you.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
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Re: .223 question
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2011, 02:04:31 pm »

Also you'll be more likely to critical miss with less ST than weapon requirement. So it's better have enough ST and consider One hander trait as simply +20% to hit, so you need on 20% less SG than you planned.
You can take buffout and will have 5 ST, enough for .223 pistol. If you already taking nuka (if you have 9/7/5 AG for example), then just don't take it anymore, or else take nuka to ignore buffout's -AG.

Then i ill deduct only one point from 5 str.Thank you.
Or deduct 3 points from 5 and take weapon handling perk. Or 2 from 5 and take buffout. Or 1 from 5 and take psycho! Or 7 ST and take jet without buffout! Or 6 ST + 10 EN, stonewall, and use Jet and Psycho!

Or 1 ST, Jet, Buffout and Psycho and weapon handling!
Re: .223 question
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2011, 06:04:55 pm »

Also you'll be more likely to critical miss with less ST than weapon requirement.

But remember - only if you actually MISS, theres a higher chance to make that miss, a critical one. So still, if you have enough % of SG skill, theres no need to afraid. anyway, ive never noticed, that missing points os ST actually increase chance for critical miss (or maybe that increase is so small, too small?). I can honsetly say, that having 1 LK provides more failures than low ST.
Re: .223 question
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2011, 09:48:23 am »

But remember - only if you actually MISS
But remember, this is Fallout, even FOnline didn't made it other, 95% is really not 95%, because you'll miss more often than 1 of 20 shots, you can miss even 2 or 3 times in a row. Btw I thought that it's impossible to miss with point blank burst with 95% to hit, because I made many many many many many many many many suicidal bursts and I killed Sha Enin zillion times with point blank smg bursts. But.. I missed! For whole my life of playing FOnline I missed 3 times in point blank burst with 95% to hit, and all these 3 times were critical misses, also I can remember a lot critical misses with 95% to hit using laser/plasma rifle with 1 ST +weapon handling, lacking 2 ST. A lot SP killed on combat skill won't compensate lacking ST, even if you'll have 95% to hit, you still can critically miss a lot.
Oh, and if you leveled some characters on molerats, you should remember these annoying 95% misses, my record is: 5. Five! Five misses in a row with 95% to hit (0,0000003125% that it'll happen). I made it only once and it was on molerat hunting. I have 2 misses in a row often, it's common, sometimes, very rare, 3 misses in a row. One guy misses me 3 times in a row with 95% to hit in NCR when I asked him to kill me, because I wasn't protected. Once we with friend encountered some loser from section8 near NCR who used SG burster with fast shot in TB, lol, so I critically missed with 95% to hit and lost turn, then my friend missed twice with 95% to hit. While we were missing like idiots, he somehow managed to burst to death my friend from long distance, and only then I picked up my laser and killed him.
Re: .223 question
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2011, 10:28:32 am »

Well, i can tell you that one of my chars, has SG as a secondary skill (around 150%), and its fast shot/12ap/1lk (and 7ST) and sometimes im helping as a pistollero... i can tell u that its f... disaster when i miss. Drops, brokens, loss of ammo. Really annoying.
On the other hand, i had many snipers, and you can imagine how poor is chance to hit when u have 1 ST, and low levels. But honestly - i cant tell that those missing ST points has something to do with critical misses. Maybe because of high LK stat, i cant be sure.

About molerat... its weird creature:] Or, since CBT, i should say it was weird creature.
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