Other > Winter 2011/2012
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--- Quote from: JovankaB on December 30, 2011, 08:33:25 pm ---Then I guess in the battle you would have to stay near the mercs you supposedly "lead".
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Yep the mercleader should go with his mercs and lead them with his example. The mercs should follow him without delay and move in a formation around him. You could easily recall them with regroup command if they tried to run in some obvious ambush.
You could even have positioning commands like:
- take position in my 12, 3, 9 or 6 o'clock. That would measure the direction around you, the distance settings already exists. So if you set mercs to all 4 directions and started spinning, you'd have a neat merry-go-around when the mercs wanted to re-position themselves.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on December 30, 2011, 08:33:25 pm ---Then I guess in the battle you would have to stay near the mercs you supposedly "lead".
--- End quote ---
I always do, but I always get insta'd by a sniper too.
Maybe next era, snipers will not be so over-imba against any build under 10 endurance and stonewall (besides other snipers ofc), and I think the command mercs whether not you can see them is a good call, and as long as the busy npc problem is fixed, I think next era will not be too bad for mercs, but there is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many changes being made and discussed it's just hard to imagine playing in such a fashion and it seems like a few people who don't really know much about leading try to yell "nerf this" just because they don't like em which becomes frustrating.
Slaver Snipe:
I like the idea AVV, but if we arn't going to have a combat control interface in the coming wipe (no idea about it) perhaps we could have a bindable menu for some other commands for bursts/if they should bother aiming for body parts too. (using the alt menu can be a hassle and I believe being able to bind things to easy key groupings would be superior)
Well, i'm kinda solo like guy and for me,
it's bad when my mercs' slaves dog's cow or whatever other plant will bei mplemented is not allowing me to leave map.
That's bad.
I don't agree with it please change it :)
Rage master:
muties are back!!! lets use green swarm...
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