Other > Winter 2011/2012

Followers points

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--- Quote from: Solar on December 27, 2011, 11:39:23 pm ---As Saumax has spotted, low level chars just loaded with Cha won't be walking round with huge teams.

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Seeing how fast many players grind their way up to level 21, this would only be a minor obstacle and won't really work as intended I fear.

So the main difference is: the powerful will be even more powerful.

Casual plyer, who want to simply play for fun, will suck even harder after wipe. Its just sad that u cant get, that caps argument isnt good one. Since when fonline is tycoon?! So f.... what that u have to pay for mercs?! No matter for swarmers, they can hadle it. But it simply removes balance from desert, to elite big gangs.

Is that ok that, one player can make an ambush for 8 players? For now, its not a problem, just bring your second proxy merc leader and start banging everyone. After changes it would still be possible, and considerning first murphy fonline law

even best anit-abuse weird, complicated, solar-approved, game mechanics, gonna be raped hard by pvp apes

That new mercs idea definately isnt best anti-abuse. Its so far beyond balance issue... but honestly, what can i expect? Thats exactly what you are doing since first day of universe: collecting players advices, and trash them in closed suggestions. i can tell u now: the more devs 'mhmmm whatever' attitude, the less players on server.
Yes Lexxx, i know, u dont give a candy, about that, but still, just look at the stats. Server is dying. end.

Well, look at the effort required to get 3 Mutant Mercs, compared to the ease of just registering and getting 4 before.

270 points required.

100 points for Mag Personality & Good Natured, 100 for 10 Cha and 70 points needed from speech is 210%.

Those are sacrifices that mean that guy is not really going to be a combat monster, but is going to require a decent investment of time.

Not sure if we will get the xp equation in before wiping, but it'll come eventually and make levelling less about finding sweet encounters to level on and (hopefully) more about getting rewarded in accordance with how tough the critters you take on are.

Then, they won't be able to magic the mercs away either, so the trick costs a lot of money when it goes wrong.

I do hope mercs have a use, my guess would be maxing out and using them like they were in the past would be pointless. Better to spread them out between lots of players. Still looking forward to seeing a melee swarm though :D


--- Quote from: Chrupek on December 27, 2011, 11:59:15 pm ---So the main difference is: the powerful will be even more powerful.

Casual plyer, who want to simply play for fun, will suck even harder after wipe. Its just sad that u cant get, that caps argument isnt good one. Since when fonline is tycoon?! So f.... what that u have to pay for mercs?! No matter for swarmers, they can hadle it. But it simply removes balance from desert, to elite big gangs.

Is that ok that, one player can make an ambush for 8 players? For now, its not a problem, just bring your second proxy merc leader and start banging everyone. After changes it would still be possible, and considerning first murphy fonline law

even best anit-abuse weird, complicated, solar-approved, game mechanics, gonna be raped hard by pvp apes

That new mercs idea definately isnt best anti-abuse. Its so far beyond balance issue... but honestly, what can i expect? Thats exactly what you are doing since first day of universe: collecting players advices, and trash them in closed suggestions. i can tell u now: the more devs 'mhmmm whatever' attitude, the less players on server.
Yes Lexxx, i know, u dont give a candy, about that, but still, just look at the stats. Server is dying. end.

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First, if this were a thread for feedback then trolling it would be counter productive.
Second, actually try it before moaning.
Third, saying someone can cheat a feature is more a problem with not enforcing cheating.

*Interaction with players, de-motivation kicking in*

Ah yes, I remember why I stopped bothering to read here now.


--- Quote from: Solar on December 28, 2011, 12:03:27 am ---Still looking forward to seeing a melee swarm though :D

--- End quote ---
I can do that ;)

By the way, are there any general specific stats you can give for each follower type as well?


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